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UNICEF (english)
UNICEF - 13 February 2007
Child poverty in perspective: an overview of child well-being in rich countries
(pdf 1003 Kb)
A comprehensive assessment of the lives and well-being of children and adolescents in the economically advanced nations
The true measure of a nation’s standing is how well it attends to its children – their health and safety, their material security, their education and socialization, and their sense of being loved, valued, and included in the families and societies into which they are born.
The State of World Children.- 2002 Leadership
The State of World Children.- 2001 Early childhood
The State of World Children.- 2000 Urgent call to leadership
The State of World Children.- 1999 Education
The State of World Children.- 1998 Malnutrition
The State of World Children.- 1996 Children in wars
International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour: IPEC
Statistical Information and Monitoring Programme on Child Labour

Strategic Plans
Data Collection Methodology
Household Based Survey
Employer’s Survey
Street Children
ILO/UNICEF Rapid Assessment Methodology

Data Presentation
Official Publications
Namibia Child Activities Survey 1999 - Report of analysis
Summary Findings of Child Labour Survey in Sri Lanka, 1999
Child Labour in South Africa 1999 : Tables
National Child Labour Survey Country Report Zimbabwe - 1999
Child Labour in Ukraine: 1999 (State Statistics Committee of Ukraine)
Survey of Activities of Young People, 1999

Child Labour Survey report in Zambia - 1999
Child Labour in Portugal – Social Characterisation of School Age Children and Their Families 1998 (Extracts from the final report).
Child Labour Situation in Nepal, 1997
Migration of Working Children in Nepal, 1997
Summary results of Child Labour Survey in Pakistan, 1996
Report on Child labour in Cambodia, 1996
1995 Survey on Children 5-17 Years Old (SCL), in Philippines
Analyses of the 1994 Child Labour Force Survey Results, in Turkey
Rapid Assessment reports
Jamaica: Situation of Children in Prostitution

Nepal: Bonded Labour Among Child Workers of the Kamaiya System
Nepal: Situation of Domestic Child Labourers in Kathmandu
Nepal: Situation of Child Ragpickers
Nepal: Trafficking in Girls With Special Reference to Prostitution
Tanzania: Child Labour in the Horticulture Sector in Arumeru District
Tanzania: Child Labour in Commercial Agriculture Tobacco
Thailand: Trafficking in Children into the Worst Forms of Child Labour
Turkey: Working Street Children in Three Metropolitan Cities
Child Labour in Portugal - (Extracts from the final report)

Statistics: Revealing a hidden tragedy
Statistics on Working Children and Hazardous Child Labour in Brief
Youngest Workers and Hazardous Child Labour
Trafficking in Children for Labour Exploitation in the Mekong Sub-region: a Framework for Action
Child Labour in commercial agriculture in Africa
Child Labour Surveys - Results of methodological experiments in four countries 1992-1993
Raw Data
South Africa   
Survey Questionnaires

Survey Questionnaire

Variable description (parent and house)
Variable description (child)
Survey Questionnaire (parent and house)
Survey Questionnaire (child)
South Africa

Survey Questionnaire A
Survey Questionnaire B
Survey Questionnaire (parent and house)
Survey Questionnaire (child)
Variable Descriptions (parent and house)
Variable Descriptions (child)
Survey Questionnaire A
Survey Questionnaire B

General Reports
ILO/UNICEF Guidelines for Rapid Assessment (A Field Manual)
Development Of Indicators On Child Labour
Simpoc Countries
Simpoc Facts, Figures and Achievements
I. Ahmed, Getting rid of child labour, 1999
The State of the World's Children 1999 -Press kit
State of the World's Children 1998
Chapter I Malnutrition: Causes, consequences and solutions
CHAPTER II: Statistical tables
Basic indicators
Demographic indicators
Economic indicators
The rate of progress
   Measuring human development
   Regional summaries country list 

Vitamin A supplements save pregnant women's lives
What is malnutrition?
Stunting linked to impaired intellectual development
Recognizing the right to nutrition
Growth and sanitation: What can we learn from chickens?
Breastmilk and transmission of HIV
High-energy biscuits for mothers boost infant survival by 50 per cent
UNICEF and the World Food Programme
Triple A takes hold in Oman
10 Celebrating gains in children's health in Brazil
11 Rewriting Elias's story in Mbeya
12 Women in Niger take the lead against malnutrition
13 BFHI: Breastfeeding breakthroughs
14 Tackling malnutrition in Bangladesh
15 Kiwanis mobilize to end iodine deficiency's deadly toll
16 Indonesia makes strides against vitamin A deficiency
17 Making food enrichment programmes sustainable
18 Zinc and vitamin A: Taking the sting out of malaria
19 Protecting nutrition in crises
20 Progress against worms for pennies
21 Child nutrition a priority for the new South Africa

Ten steps to successful breastfeeding
Vitamin A

Fig.1  Malnutrition and child mortality
Fig.2  Trends in child malnutrition, by region
Fig.3  From good nutrition to greater productivity and beyond
Fig.4  Poverty and malnutrition in Latin America and the Caribbean
Fig.5  Causes of child malnutrition
Fig.6  Inadequate dietary intake/disease cycle
Fig.7  Intergenerational cycle of growth failure
Fig.8  Better nutrition through triple A
Fig.9  Iodine deficiency disorders and salt iodization
Fig.10 Progress in vitamin A supplementation programmes
Fig.11 Measles deaths and vitamin A supplementation
Fig.12 Zinc supplementation and child growth (Ecuador, 1986)
Fig.13 Maternal height and Caesarean delivery (Guatemala, 1984-1986)
Press Kit

Summary: Malnutrition: Causes, consequences and solutions
Fact Sheet: Summing up malnutrition's shame
Fact Sheet: Malnutrition: Causes
Fact Sheet: Micronutrients
Feature: Child malnutrition and women's rights
Feature: In Burundi camps, the spectre of malnutrition looms
Feature: Malnutrition in industrialized countries
  From The Progress of Nations 1997:
    8. Special Protections
       Commentary - No age of innocence: Justice for children
       8.1 Old enough to be a criminal?
       8.2 Over 7 million children are refugees
       8.3 Hidden killers
       8.4 The cost of war: Billions for development diverted to
We the Children
Progress since the World Summit for Children
UNICEF (castellano)
UNICEF - 13 febrero 2007
Pobreza infantil en perspectiva
Un panorama del bienestar infantil en países ricos

( pdf 1633 Kb)
Un amplio análisis de la vida y el bienestar de niños, niñas y adolescentes en las naciones económicamente avanzadas
La verdadera medida del progreso de una nación es la calidad con que atiende a sus niños: su salud y protección, su seguridad material, su educación y socialización y el modo en que se sienten queridos, valorados e integrados en las familias y sociedades en las que han nacido.
Estado Mundial de la Infancia.- 2002  Liderazgo
Estado Mundial de la Infancia.- 2001  La primera infancia
Estado Mundial de la Infancia.- 2000 Llamamiento a los líderes
Estado Mundial de la Infancia.- 1999 Educación
The State of World Children.- 1997 Child Labour
Programa infocus sobre el trabajo infantil: IPEC
UNICEF (français)
13 février 2007
La pauvreté des enfants en perspective:
Vue d'ensemble du bien-être des enfants dans le pays riches

pdf 1620 Kb
Une évaluation, la plus complète à ce jour, de la vie et du bien-être des enfants et des adolescents dans les pays économiquement avancés
Le niveau réel d’un pays se mesure à l’attention qu’il accorde à ses enfants, à leur santé et à leur sécurité, à leur situation matérielle, à leur éducation et à leur socialisation, ainsi qu’à leur sentiment d’être aimés, appréciés et intégrés dans les familles et les sociétés au sein desquelles ils sont nés.
(Italian pdf 414 Kb )

La Situation des Enfants dans le Monde.- 2002  Prendre l'initiative
La Situation des Enfants dans le Monde.- 2001 La petite enfance
La Situation des Enfants dans le Monde.- 2000 Appel aux dirigeants
La Situation des Enfants dans le Monde.- 1999 Education
La Situation des Enfants dans le Monde.- 1998 Malnutrition
La Situation des Enfants dans le Monde.- 1997 Enfants au travail
Programme focale sur le travaille des enfants: IPEC