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World indicators on the environmentWorld Energy Statistics - Time SeriesEconomic inequality
Indicators on human settlements
       Source: Population Division of the United Nations Secretariat.

                               Population          Average annual rate of
                               distribution (%),   change in population (%),
                               1995                1995-2000

                               Urban     Rural      Urban    Rural

Afghanistan                      20       80         7.18     4.77
Albania                          37       63         1.65     0.01
Algeria                          56       44         3.59     0.65
American Samoa                   50       50         3.75     1.82
Angola                           31       69         5.33     2.37
Antigua and Barbuda              36       64         1.19     0.34
Argentina                        88       12         1.55    -1.00
Armenia                          69       31         0.56    -0.72
Australia                        85       15         1.06     1.06
Austria                          64       36         0.70     0.43
Azerbaijan                       56       44         1.35     0.03
Bahamas                          86       14         2.06    -1.69
Bahrain                          90       10         2.50    -2.31
Bangladesh                       18       82         4.56     0.92
Barbados                         47       53         1.39    -0.75
Belarus                          71       29         0.80    -2.61
Belgium                          97        3         0.33    -2.25
Belize                           47       53         2.49     2.49
Benin                            38       62         4.73     1.49
Bhutan                            6       94         6.13     2.53
Bolivia                          61       39         3.70     0.01
Bosnia and Herzegovina           41       59         4.88     3.19
Botswana                         60       40         6.29    -6.09
Brazil                           78       22         1.97    -1.64
Brunei Darussalam                69       31         2.95     0.07
Bulgaria                         68       32         0.04    -1.66
Burkina Faso                     16       84         5.82     2.18
Burundi                           8       92         6.30     2.48
Cambodia                         20       80         5.04     1.44
Cameroon                         45       55         4.53     1.17
Canada                           77       23         0.95     0.51
Cape Verde                       54       46         5.23    -1.37
Central African Republic         39       61         3.16     1.43
Chad                             22       78         4.10     2.35
Chile                            84       16         1.53     0.48
China                            30       70         3.45    -0.32
Colombia                         73       27         2.28    -0.11
Comoros                          30       70         4.82     2.25
Congo                            58       42         4.16     0.71
Cook Islands                     60       40         1.74    -0.46
Costa Rica                       49       51         3.09     1.03
Côte d'Ivoire                    43       57         3.39     0.89
Croatia                          56       44         0.60    -0.99
Cuba                             76       24         0.97    -1.38
Cyprus                           54       46         2.22     0.03
Czech Republic                   65       35         0.12    -0.63
Dem. Rep. of the Congo           29       71         3.66     2.15
Denmark                          85       15         0.32    -0.54
Djibouti                         82       18         2.96     1.33
Dominican Republic               62       38         2.68    -0.15
East Timor                        7       93         1.64     1.64
Ecuador                          59       41         3.12     0.19
Egypt                            45       55         2.43     1.37
El Salvador                      45       55         2.89     1.61
Equatorial  Guinea               42       58         5.13     0.26
Eritrea                          17       83         5.50     3.26
Estonia                          73       27        -0.61    -1.96
Ethiopia                         15       85         5.90     2.66
Fiji                             41       59         2.41     0.95
Finland                          63       37         0.86    -0.75
France                           75       25         0.57    -0.39
French Guiana                    76       24         4.36     2.44
French Polynesia                 56       44         2.08     1.61
Gabon                            50       50         4.69     0.63
Gambia                           29       71         4.49     1.27
Gaza Strip                       94        6         4.23     2.92
Georgia                          58       42         0.68    -1.28
Germany                          87       13         0.51    -1.35
Ghana                            36       64         4.11     2.00
Greece                           59       41         0.56    -0.15
Guadaloupe                       99        1         1.52   -13.32
Guam                             38       62         2.29     1.51
Guatemala                        39       61         3.55     2.32
Guinea                           29       71         3.66     0.31
Guinea-Bissau                    22       78         3.74     1.46
Guyana                           35       65         2.54     0.17
Haiti                            32       68         3.73     0.92
Honduras                         44       56         4.13     1.60
Hong Kong  a                     95        5         0.94    -1.97
Hungary                          65       35         0.13    -1.99
Iceland                          92        8         1.14    -0.94
India                            27       73         2.80     1.15
Indonesia                        35       65         4.01    -0.06
Iran (Islamic Rep. of)           59       41         3.10     0.91
Iraq                             75       25         3.40     0.91
Ireland                          58       42         0.51    -0.33
Israel                           91        9         2.01     0.90
Italy                            67       33         0.11    -0.23
Jamaica                          54       46         1.80    -0.12
Japan                            78       22         0.43    -0.55
Jordan                           71       29         4.06     1.20
Kazakhstan                       60       40         0.82    -0.93
Kenya                            29       71         5.15     0.92
Kiribati                         36       64         2.75     1.40
Korea, Dem. People's Rep.        61       39         2.10     0.73
Korea, Republic of               81       19         2.03    -5.18
Kuwait                           97        3         3.14    -1.63
Kyrgyzstan                       39       61         1.02    -0.06
Lao People's Dem. Rep.           21       79         5.59     2.36
Latvia                           73       27        -0.71    -2.30
Lebanon                          88       12         2.29    -2.17
Lesotho                          24       76         5.56     1.40
Liberia                          45       55         9.83     7.45
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya           85       15         3.86    -0.05
Liechtenstein                    21       79         2.87     1.01
Lithuania                        72       28         0.49    -2.27
Luxembourg                       89       11         1.51    -2.92
Macau                            99        1         2.12     0.93
Madagascar                       26       74         5.35     2.27
Malawi                           13       87         5.18     2.10
Malaysia                         54       46         3.35     0.40
Maldives                         27       73         4.51     3.03
Mali                             27       73         5.29     2.13
Malta                            89       11         0.90    -1.85
Marshall Islands                 69       31         4.32     1.58
Martinique                       93        7         1.31    -4.57
Mauritania                       51       49         4.91    -0.34
Mauritius                        41       59         1.47     0.81
Mexico                           73       27         1.89     0.90
Micronesia, Fed. States of       28       72         4.16     2.18
Monaco                          100        0         1.15     0.00
Mongolia                         61       39         2.97     0.67
Morocco                          52       48         3.07     0.28
Mozambique                       34       66         5.96     0.48
Myanmar                          26       74         3.17     1.29
Namibia                          36       64         4.95     0.83
Nepal                            10       90         5.37     2.17
Netherlands                      89       11         0.58    -0.19
Netherlands Antilles             69       31         1.05    -0.13
New Caledonia                    62       38         2.17     0.32
New Zealand                      86       14         1.32    -0.43
Nicaragua                        62       38         3.40     1.19
Niger                            18       82         5.77     2.73
Nigeria                          40       60         4.97     1.32
Northern Mariana Island          54       46         2.30     1.35
Norway                           73       27         0.62    -0.42
Oman                             76       24         6.26    -4.26
Pakistan                         34       66         4.25     1.85
Palau                            71       29         2.38     0.71
Panama                           56       44         2.38     0.66
Papua New Guinea                 16       84         3.87     1.91
Paraguay                         52       48         3.90     1.04
Peru                             71       29         2.26     0.38
Philippines                      54       46         3.64    -0.08
Poland                           64       36         0.68    -0.99
Portugal                         36       64         1.25    -0.82
Puerto Rico                      73       27         1.44    -0.54
Qatar                            91        9         2.04    -0.93
Republic of Moldova              52       48         1.44    -1.45
Reunion                          68       32         2.23    -0.79
Romania                          56       44         0.63    -1.29
Russian Federation               76       24         0.15    -1.83
Rwanda                            6       94         9.50     7.74
Saint Kitts and Nevis            34       66        -0.01    -0.13
Saint Lucia                      37       63         1.62     1.09
St.Vincent and the Grenadines    48       52         3.49    -1.87
Samoa                            21       79         1.63     0.99
San Marino                       94        6         1.69    -4.68
Sao Tome and Principe            43       57         3.69     0.63
Saudi Arabia                     83       17         4.13    -0.36
Senegal                          44       56         4.14     1.44
Seychelles                       54       46         2.48    -0.85
Sierra Leone                     33       67         4.90     1.93
Singapore                       100        0         1.50     0.00
Slovakia                         59       41         0.91    -1.04
Slovenia                         51       49         0.38    -0.65
Solomon Islands                  17       83         6.11     2.56
Somalia                          26       74         5.29     3.39
South Africa                     49       51         2.60     1.78
Spain                            76       24         0.39    -0.93
Sri Lanka                        22       78         2.28     0.59
Sudan                            31       69         5.04     0.77
Suriname                         49       51         2.38    -0.10
Swaziland                        31       69         5.55     1.37
Sweden                           83       17         0.30    -0.02
Switzerland                      61       39         1.18    -0.14
Syrian Arab Republic             52       48         3.38     1.58
Tajikistan                       32       68         2.28     1.67
Thailand                         20       80         2.33     0.35
The FYR of Macedonia             60       40         1.41    -0.39
Togo                             31       69         4.30     1.95
Tonga                            41       59         2.86    -1.54
Trinidad and Tobago              72       28         1.46    -0.91
Tunisia                          62       38         2.93    -0.17
Turkey                           69       31         3.23    -2.86
Turkmenistan                     45       55         2.17     1.66
Uganda                           13       87         5.06     2.26
Ukraine                          70       30         0.29    -2.02
United Arab Emirates             84       16         2.50    -0.71
United Kingdom                   89       11         0.15    -0.39
United Rep. Tanzania             24       76         5.06     1.33
United States                    76       24         1.06    -0.12
U.S. Virgin Islands              45       55         1.21     0.18
Uruguay                          90       10         0.78    -1.75
Uzbekistan                       41       59         2.49     1.46
Vanuatu                          19       81         3.67     2.20
Venezuela                        86       14         2.37    -0.25
Viet Nam                         19       81         2.04     1.68
Western Sahara                   93        7         3.66    -5.90
Yemen                            34       66         6.26     2.34
Yugoslavia                       57       43         1.60    -1.07
Zambia                           43       57         3.13     1.91
Zimbabwe                         32       68         4.20     1.02

Population Division of the United Nations Secretariat,
World Urbanization Prospects: The 1996 Revision 
(United Nations publication, forthcoming).

a   Pursuant to a Joint Declaration signed on 19 December 1984, the United
      Kingdom restored Hong Kong to the People's Republic of China with
      effect from 1 July 1997; the People's Republic of China resumed
      the exercise of sovereignty over the territory with effect from
      that date.

Technical notes:

Estimates and projections of urban and rural populations are
made by the Population Division of the United Nations Secretariat and
published every two years. These estimates and projections are based on
national census or survey data that have been evaluated and, whenever
necessary, adjusted for deficiencies and inconsistencies.
 Urban-rural classification of population in internationally published
statistics follows the national census definition, which differs from 
one country or area to another. National definitions are usually based
on criteria that may include any of the following: size of population
in a locality, population density, distance between built-up areas,
predominant type of economic activity, legal or administrative boundaries
and urban characteristics such as specific services and facilities.
The approach used in estimating rates of population change is one of
continuous growth which considers that population grows exponentially.
The average annual percentage change in population is an average for the
five-year period 1995-2000.

Copyright ©  1997, United Nations. All rights reserved