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From Terrorism to Liberation: The staight Foggy BOTTOM line
- Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 13:19:34 -0400 (EDT)
1. 11/10/98: Situation in Kosovo
Key Passage
"Provocations from one side do not justify violence in return. It
is the responsibility of both the Serbian security forces remaining in
Kosovo and the Kosovo Liberation Army to exercise restraint and
prevent a resurgence of violence. [end of document] || Press
Statements Index | State Department Home Page || This is an"
2. 1/15/99: Security of the Kosovo Verification Mission
Key Passage
"KVM and all its members. We call on the FRY to adhere fully to
this obligation. The Kosovo Liberation Army has also undertaken
similar commitments and must also ensure that these obligations are
met. Today's events do not change the importance of the Kosovo
Verification Mission nor diminish the vital"
3. 7/15/98: Kidnappings of Serb Civilians in Kosovo
Key Passage
"in Kosovo, both Albanian and Serb. We have condemned on numerous
occasions the use of excessive force by Serbian security
forces, particularly when directed indiscriminately against Kosovar
Albanian civilians. We are also, however, concerned about attacks
against Serbian civilians in Kosovo by Albanian extremist groups,
including the Kosovo Liberation Army"
4. 12/24/98: U.S. Concerned About Kosovo Violence
Key Passage
"Yugoslav Army and internal security police near Podujevo, Kosovo.
We condemn all breaches of the cease-fire and other violations of
applicable UN Security Council resolutions in Kosovo, including
provocative attacks committed by elements of the Kosovo Liberation
Army (KLA). Belgrade's disproportionate and indiscriminate
reaction, however, cannot be justified. The"
5. 3/15/99: Letter of KLA Representative Hashim Thaqi to Secretary of
State Madeleine K. Albright
Key Passage
"Albright Hashim Thaqi, Chairman of the Kosovo Albanian delegation
to the Rambouillet Peace Process and a representative of the
Kosovo Liberation Army, has sent a letter to Secretary Albright
announcing his readiness--and the readiness of his delegation--to sign
the Rambouillet Agreement for peace and self-government in Kosovo"
6. Ambassador Holbrooke Travel to Belgrade, 3/8/99
Key Passage
"leadership to accept the Rambouillet Accords, including both their
political and civilian and military implementation elements, when he
visits Belgrade. Ambassador Holbrooke's trip comes following the
decision today by the General Staff of the Kosovo Liberation Army
(KLA) to approve the Rambouillet Accords and authorize their
signature. Senator Bob Dole"
7. 12/23/98: Situation in Kosovo
Key Passage
"increased tensions and threaten to re-ignite hostilities. The
United States reiterates its call on the Serbian security forces in
and on the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) to exercise restraint, even
in the face of provocation. We have seen indications that some of
the security personnel withdrawn from Kosovo"
8. 2/25/98 Statement on Kosovo
Key Passage
"human rights values, and their condemnation of both violent
repression of non-violent expressions of political views, including
peaceful demonstrations, as well as terrorist actions, including
those of the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army. The Contact Group
agreed that both sides should be reasonable and flexible and focus
on immediate"
9. 3/2/98: Violence in Kosovo
Key Passage
"sides to enter into an unconditional dialogue, and for authorities
in Belgrade to implement immediately the Kosovo education
agreement on an effective basis as an important step to reduce
tensions. We have also called on Kosovar Albanian leaders to condemn
terrorist action by the so-called Kosovo liberation army (UCK"
10. 12/18/98: Situation in Kosovo
Key Passage
"December 18, 1998 Situation in Kosovo On December 17, Zvonko
Bojanic, the Serbian Deputy Mayor of Kosovo Polje, was kidnapped
and executed. Although the General Staff of the Kosovo Liberation
Army (KLA) has disclaimed responsibility, the masked and armed
men who carried out the attack reportedly wore KLA insignia on"
11. Kosovo Update 11/02/98
Key Passage
"of Forces There has been very substantial compliance with the
requirements of the
international community in terms of withdrawal of Serbian Army (VJ)
and special police
(MUP) forces. Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) personnel have returned
to areas where the VJ
and MUP have drawn back, but there have been no"
12. Serb Compliance with UNSC Resolution 1199: 10/20/98
Key Passage
"investigation of Gornje Obrinje and other massacres, and has
agreed to allow a Finnish-led
delegation into Kosovo to conduct an independent forensic
investigation of alleged Serb and
UCK [Ushtria Çlirimtare e Kosovës - the Kosovo Liberation Army
(KLA)] atrocities. No
charges reported to be pending against any member of the"
13. Serb Compliance with UNSC Resolution 1199: 10/22/98
Key Passage
"e Kosovës - the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA)] claimed it had no
role in the deaths of three
Serbian policemen over the weekend. Cease security forces actions
affecting civilians and
withdraw forces used in repression of civilians Observers report no
significant change in VJ
(Yugoslav Army) or MUP (Serbian Ministry of"
14. Serb Compliance with UNSC Resolution 1199: 10/22/98
Key Passage
"e Kosovës - the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA)] claimed it had no
role in the deaths of three
Serbian policemen over the weekend. Cease security forces actions
affecting civilians and
withdraw forces used in repression of civilians Observers report no
significant change in VJ
(Yugoslav Army) or MUP (Serbian Ministry of"
15. Kosovo Update 10/27/98
Key Passage
"of any Serbian Army (VJ) forces currently deployed out of garrison
other than three
company-sized units (approximately 360 troops), and the normal
border guard units patrolling
the frontier. KDOM also reported the withdrawal of tanks and
armored personnel carriers by
VJ and MUP forces. No new Kosovo Liberation Army"
16. Kosovo Update 11/04
Key Passage
"1. In that incident, Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) personnel
reportedly fired on Serbian
police in the village of Glodjane, wounding one of the policemen.
Withdrawal of Forces There
has been very substantial compliance with the requirements of the
international community in
terms of withdrawal of Serbian Army (VJ) and special"
17. 1/19/99: UN Presidential Statement on Racak Massacre
Key Passage
"fully with the KVM. The Security Council calls upon the parties to
cease immediately all acts
of violence and to engage in talks on a lasting settlement. The
Security Council also strongly
warns the "Kosovo Liberation Army" against actions that are
contributing to tensions. The
Security Council considers all of"
18. Kosovo Update 11/25
Key Passage
"25, 1998 MILITARY Cease-fire The cease fire is generally holding,
and conditions are
gradually returning to normal. KDOM teams continue to investigate
reports of cease-fire
violations by both Serbian forces and the Kosovo Liberation Army
(KLA). KDOM and
diplomats from the international community have had increasing
success in"
19. 3/1/99: Fact Sheet on Rambouillet Accords
Key Passage
"the international Implementation Mission until local police are
trained to replace them. The
Kosovo Liberation Army will hand over security in Kosovo to NATO
troops and will be
demilitarized. Local police will take over all policing duties in
Kosovo within 1 year,
extendable for a limited period only by the"
20. 1/26/99 Albright and ForMin Ivanov statement on Kosovo
Key Passage
"Racak at the time of the massacre and suspend them until the
results of the investigation
become available. The United States and Russia urge the Kosovo
Albanians to fulfill all their
obligations and commitments. "Kosovo Liberation Army" provocations
have contributed
significantly to the renewed deep tensions in Kosovo. The United"
21. Kosovo Update 10/29/98
Key Passage
"October 29, 1998 MILITARY Cease-fire There were no confirmed
reports of cease-fire
violations today. A KDOM team met with senior Kosovo Liberation
Army (KLA) officials to
explain the OSCE verification agreement and urge them to observe
the cease-fire. Withdrawal
of Forces There has been general continued progress"
22. 3/26/99 Fact Sheet: U.S. and NATO Objectives and Interests in Kosovo
Key Passage
"Albanians have signed the agreement. Belgrade has refused to sign
and has to date rejected
out of hand all efforts to achieve a peaceful solution. The Contact
Group clearly assigned
exclusive responsibility for failure to reach agreement to
Belgrade. While we are mindful that
the Kosovo Liberation Army also frequently"
23. Kosovo Update 11/12
Key Passage
"12, 1998 MILITARY Cease-fire KDOM teams continue to investigate
and confirm isolated
reports of cease-fire violations by both Serbian forces and the
Kosovo Liberation Army
(KLA), generally in the Malisevo and Drenica regions. KDOM and
diplomats from the
international community are pressing leaders on both sides to
24. Kosovo Update 12/08
Key Passage
"8, 1998 MILITARY Cease-fire The cease fire is generally holding,
and conditions are
gradually returning to normal in much of Kosovo. KDOM and diplomats
from the
international community have had increasing success in pressing
both Serbian and Kosovo
Liberation Army (KLA) forces to respect the cease-fire and avoid"
25. Kosovo Update 12/08
Key Passage
"8, 1998 MILITARY Cease-fire The cease fire is generally holding,
and conditions are
gradually returning to normal in much of Kosovo. KDOM and diplomats
from the
international community have had increasing success in pressing
both Serbian and Kosovo
Liberation Army (KLA) forces to respect the cease-fire and avoid"
26. Untitled
Key Passage
"and the availability of arms in the province of Kosovo have
continued to rise. In late
February, in retaliation for an ambush of Serb police -- an attack
which left a number of them
dead -- by individuals believed to belong to the so-called "Kosovo
Liberation Army,"
(UCK-Albanian), ill-prepared"
27. Kosovo Humanitarian Situation UpdateUntitled
Key Passage
"in late February, the humanitarian situation continued to
deteriorate due to ongoing clashes
between Government security forces and the Kosovo Liberation Army.
Following the
breakdown of the talks and the withdrawal of the Organization for
Security and Cooperation
Kosovo Verification Mission on March 20, conflict between the two
sides intensified"
28. U
Key Passage
"ongoing clashes between Government security forces and the Kosovo
Liberation Army. The
displacement of people was accompanied by the burning of villages
and the destruction of
means of livelihood. Following the breakdown of the talks and the
withdrawal of the
Organization for Security and Cooperation Kosovo Verification
Mission on March"
29. U
Key Passage
"clashes between Government security forces and the Kosovo
Liberation Army. The
displacement of people was accompanied by the burning of villages
and destruction of means
of livelihood. Following the breakdown of the talks and the
withdrawal of the Organization for
Security and Cooperation Kosovo Verification Mission on March 20,
30. 10/27/98 Albright remarks on Kosovo
Key Passage
"of the Kosovo Liberation Army: there should be no attempt to take
military advantage of the
Serb pull-back. Neither side can achieve a military victory in
Kosovo. This message is starting
to have an effect. In recent days, we've seen a new degree of
restraint on the part of"
31. 2/23/99 Albright briefing on Kosovo
Key Passage
"of this settlement. Kosovo would have its own constitution and
government with full responsibility
for all the issues that affect the daily lives of its people.
Serbian police units would be rapidly
withdrawn. The Yugoslav military would be restricted to patrolling
a five-kilometer border zone. The
Kosovo Liberation Army"
32. 3/9/97 Contact Group Statement
Key Passage
"on 2 March. 3. Our condemnation of the actions of the Serbian
police should not in any way be
mistaken for an endorsement of terrorism. Our position on this is
clear. We wholly condemn terrorist
actions by the Kosovo Liberation Army or any other group or
individual. Those in the"
33. UN Security Council Resolution 1160
Key Passage
"by Serbian police forces against civilians and peaceful
demonstrators in Kosovo, as well as all acts
of terrorism by the Kosovo Liberation Army or any other group or
individual and all external support
for terrorist activity in Kosovo. including finance, arms and
training, Noting the declaration of 18
March 1998"
34. 2/23/98 Press Conference: R. Gelbard
Key Passage
"seen growing in recent weeks and months is incredibly dangerous.
The great majority of this
violence we attribute to the police, but we are tremendously
disturbed and also condemn very
strongly the unacceptable violence done by terrorist groups in
Kosovo and particularly the UCK --
the Kosovo Liberation Army. This is"
35. 98/03/10 Daily Press Briefing
Key Passage
"been asked before, and I apologize in advance. Is it the
Administration's official position that the
Kosovo Liberation Army is a terrorist group? MR. FOLEY: No, we've
not taken that decision. What
we have said is that specific acts - terrorist acts - have been
committed in Kosovo over the last
36. 3/31/99: Ethnic Cleansing in Kosovo
Key Passage
"nature of the thousands of reports from official observers across
the border in Albania and
Macedonia, from journalists and NGOs still in contact with their
local staff in Kosovo, and from
Kosovar Albanians themselves (both refugees and the Kosovo
Liberation Army-UCK) paint an
unambiguous picture of an accelerating campaign"
37. 11/6/98 Albright and Italian Foreign Minister Lamberto Dini remarks
Key Passage
"to do all it can to achieve those goals. Foreign Minister Dini and
I will also discuss the situation in
Kosovo, which though improved, remains far from ideal. Serb
compliance with UN resolutions is not
yet complete; the Kosovo Liberation Army also has not fully met its
obligations to observe"
38. 7/23 Gelbard before House International Relations Committee
Key Passage
"a comprehensive cessation of hostilities. Although we are
concerned about the actions of the
Kosovo Liberation Army--commonly referred to by the Albanian
acronym UCK--we must not lose
sight of the fact that Belgrade initiated the confrontation in
Kosovo, and President Milosevic and his
government have primary responsibility for"
39. 2/4/99 Albright Remarks and Q&A Session at the U.S. Institute of
Key Passage
"homes. Under these conditions, many Kosovars abandoned
non-violence and threw their support
to the Kosovo Liberation Army, although its tactics too were
sometimes brutal and indiscriminate.
The KLA, as it is known, offers a deceptively simple answer to the
tragedy of Kosovo --
independence from the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia"
40. 11/20/98 Albright and NATO Sec. Gen Solana press conf.
Key Passage
"the prospects for peace. The Kosovo Liberation Army must refrain
from reprisals and efforts to
intimidate, but its provocations do not justify failures by the
Serb Government to meet its obligations.
President Milosevic is increasing, rather than decreasing, the
number of special police in Kosovo,
and he is failing to"
41. 3/28/99: Under Secretary Thomas Pickering on Fox News
Key Passage
"UNDER SECRETARY PICKERING: I think he's losing the air war, Tony.
QUESTION: Well, I was
talking about in Bosnia. Final question - there has been some talk
in the Senate of arming the Kosovo
Liberation Army. Do you support that idea? UNDER SECRETARY
PICKERING: We don't. We
believe that this particular"
42. 98/08/31 Amb. Scheffer on 50th anniversary of the universal
declaration of human
Key Passage
"Milosevic and Serbian security forces appear, therefore, to be
reluctant to encourage international
observation of their military actions in Kosovo. Ironically, the
refusal to grant me a visa has inhibited
my ability to examine alleged criminal conduct by the Kosovo
Liberation Army as well. Serbian
actions in Kosovo increasingly demonstrate"
43. 1/29/99 Albright Press Conference, London, England
Key Passage
"must ensure that those responsible for the Racak massacre are
brought to justice or turned over to
the ICTY if it so requests. The Kosovo Liberation Army will find no
sympathy in the international
community unless it refrains from the provocative acts which have
done so much to raise tensions"
44. 98/06/25 Daily Press Briefing
Key Passage
"days. There are valid reports of fighting in the central areas of
Kosovo, and many are concerned this
violence will move south along the southern border. Clearly, large
amounts of territory are controlled
by the Kosovo Liberation Army during the day, and increasing
amounts at night. The task we are"
45. 2/22/98 Press Conference: R. Gelbard
Key Passage
"geared to building confidence with the population and among the
population, rather than leading
toward a further cycle of violence. At the same time, we also
condemn the attacks against the police
and others by the group that calls itself the UCK [Kosovo
Liberation Army]. As I have said before"
46. 97/xx/xx Daily Press Briefing
Key Passage
"Urging Yeltsin to Grant Political Asylum to PKK Ocalan 15-16US
Food Aid Package For Russia
SERBIA (Kosovo) 12-14Increasing Tensions Between Serb Police and
Kosovo Liberation Army
13Serb Bailure to Issue Visas to War Crimes Tribunal Delegations
13Reports KLA Holding Two
Journalists CHINA 14Energy Secretary Richardson's Plans to Travel"
47. 4/6/99: Ethnic Cleansing in Kosovo
Key Passage
"Nonetheless, the overwhelmingly consistent nature of the thousands
of reports from official
observers across the border in Albania and Macedonia, from
journalists and NGOs still in contact
with their local staff in Kosovo, and from Kosovar Albanians
themselves (both refugees and the
Kosovo Liberation Army- KLA) paint an unambiguous picture"
48. The Humanitarian Situation in Kosovo (briefing)
Key Passage
"been uprooted will then be able to go back and, at least, feel
that they are anchored somewhere in
their society. Question: General Clark was quoted telling NATO
parliamentarians that we have to
recognize that at this time both the Kosovo Liberation Army and the
Serbs are re-arming and"
49. 2/19/99: President Clinton, President Chirac on Kosovo
Key Passage
"President, if it appears that the Serbs -- they have to be
sanctioned because they refuse the
presence of NATO troops in Kosovo, have you the assurance that the
Kosovo Liberation Army will
renounce its demands on independence? PRESIDENT CHIRAC: Well, as I
said before, the pressure
that we are exerting"
50. 12/8/98 Albright Statement to the North Atlantic Council
Key Passage
"slaughter and suffering of innocent people. And we have a legal
interest in supporting the efforts of
the War Crimes Tribunal to exercise its legitimate jurisdiction
over the atrocities committed in
Kosovo. Our Alliance has expressed deep concern about acts of
provocation committed by the
Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), and"
51. 6/12/98 Albright press conference in London, UK
Key Passage
"the best in terms of lowering the nuclear threat. QUESTION: Your
statement includes some verbal
condemnation of Albanian extremists, but it does not cater for
stopping, actually stopping, Kosovo
Liberation Army activity in the area. So what guarantees are you
offering? Will you offer the Serbian
government that once they"
52. 99/02/26 Koh on Country Reports on Human Rights
Key Passage
"military crisis in Europe since the end of the conflict in
Bosnia-Herzegovina. Albanian insurgents in
the Kosovo Liberation Army also committed abuses against Serbs,
who, while a majority in Serbia,
represent a minority in Kosovo. In Sierra Leone, rebel forces
killed and maimed with extraordinary
cruelty. While retreating from"
53. 11/30 Pickering SACLANT
Key Passage
"have designated a senior U.S. official to work with the Kosovo
Liberation Army, are providing $59
million and 47,000 metric tons of food to aid agencies in Kosovo,
and are increasing support for
independent media in Serbia following Milosevic's recent,
unacceptable crackdown. UN Security
Council Resolutions 1199 and 1203 identify"
54. 4/9/99 Weekly Report on Ethnic Cleansing in Kosovo
Key Passage
"Macedonia, from journalists and NGOs still in contact with their
local staff in Kosovo, and from
Kosovar Albanians themselves (both refugees and the Kosovo
Liberation Army -- KLA) paint an
unambiguous picture of the scope and intensity of the campaign of
ethnic cleansing the Serbs have
waged in the province. The"
55. 1998 Human Rights Practices Report -- Serbia-Montenegro
Key Passage
"Constitutional Court to review Montenegrin electoral legislation
and by using his influence over
Federal judges to have Montenegrin legislation declared
unconstitutional. Elements of the Kosovo
Liberation Army (KLA, an armed ethnic Albanian group that seeks
independence for Kosovo) were
also responsible for abuses. They committed killings, were
responsible for disappearances"
56. 3/5/99: Background Briefing on Brcko Award Decision
Key Passage
"Kosovo. Is that right? SENIOR ADMINISTRATION OFFICIAL: Well, I've
heard speculation the
same. Some people speculated it might be going to the VJ; some say
to the Kosovo Liberation Army.
It's entirely believable that it would be the latter two; I don't
know. QUESTION: The picture this
paints -- this decision"
57. 1/21/99 Albright remarks at the Center for National Policy
Key Passage
"international war crimes tribunal to investigate the latest
atrocity. There is no simple answer to the
problems of Kosovo: the ethnic Albanians are fragmented; the Kosovo
Liberation Army has
committed deliberately provocative acts of kidnapping and murder;
the outlook for a negotiated
solution is cloudy. What is clear is that"
58. 98/03/02 Daily Press Briefing
Key Passage
"Albanian leaders to condemn terrorist action by the so-called
Kosovo Liberation Army. The United
States expects the Serbian police in Kosovo to act with maximum
restraint and the Yugoslav army to
take no action that might lead to further violence. Further
state-sponsored violence would only
deepen Belgrade's isolation"
59. 98/07/30 Daily Press Briefing
Key Passage
"care to share the details of those kind of diplomatic exchanges at
this time. QUESTION: Is one of the
details that's in question here the participation of the Kosovo
Liberation Army? MR. RUBIN: That is
not a primary hurdle at this point. The real hurdle is who exactly
sits on"
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