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The political economy of development
This academic site promotes excellence in teaching and researching economics and development, and the advancing of describing, understanding, explaining and theorizing.
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1. Introduction
2. Macroeconomic policy
3. Economic performance
4. Policy lessons from the Asian crisis

Economic Survey of Latin America and the Caribbean 1997-1998


Figure I.1. Latin America and the Caribbean: overall effects of the Asian crisis
Figure I.2. Latin America and the Caribbean: changes in real value of local currencies
Figure I.3. Latin America and the Caribbean: changes in nominal interest rates
Figure I.4. Latin America and the Caribbean: gross domestic product
Figure I.5. Latin America and the Caribbean: consumer prices
Figure I.6. a) Latin America and the Caribbean: employment rates
Figure I.6. b) Latin America and the Caribbean: urban unemployment
Figure I.7. Latin America and the Caribbean: current account balance
Figure I.8. Latin America and the Caribbean: exports to Asia
Figure I.9. Latin America and the Caribbean: stock market quotations
Figure I.10. Latin America and the Caribbean: international bond issues
Figure I.11. Latin America and the Caribbean: savings and investment ratios

Economic Survey of Latin America and the Caribbean 1997-1998

Statistical Appendix

Table A.1. Latin America and the Caribbean: main economic indicators
Table A.2. Latin America and the Caribbean: gross domestic product
Table A.3. Latin America and the Caribbean: per capita gross domestic product
Table A.4. Latin America and the Caribbean: financing of gross capital formation
Table A.5. Latin America and the Caribbean: gross fixed investment
Table A.6. Latin America and the Caribbean: urban unemployment
Table A.7. Latin America and the Caribbean: consumer prices
Table A.8. Latin America and the Caribbean: non-financial public sector balance
Table A.9. Latin America and the Caribbean: exports and imports of goods
Table A.10. Latin America and the Caribbean: exports of goods
Table A.11. Latin America and the Caribbean: imports of goods
Table A.12. Latin America and the Caribbean: terms of trade
Table A.13. Latin America and the Caribbean: balance of payments