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The political economy of development
This academic site promotes excellence in teaching and researching economics and development, and the advancing of describing, understanding, explaining and theorizing.
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Balance of Payment
Editor: Dr. Robinson Rojas Sandford
On Planning for Development: balance of payments
FXCONVERTER: Currency converter - FXHISTORY: Historical currency exchange rates
Balance of Payments Accounts: a definition
From The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics, by H. Stein:
Balance of payments

Róbinson Rojas - 1997
Structural deficit on Balance on Payments (notes)
"Neo-classical trade theory will argue that "international prices and costs of production determine how much a country should trade", and, therefore, outward-looking strategies of production are neccesary. Of course, if international prices and costs of production are mainly the business of transnational corporations and not domestic economies, then the neo-classical argument will be valid only for the welfare of transnational corporations and not the host countries".

From the International Monetary Fund:
The IMF Committee on Balance of Payments Report:
2007 - 2006 - (
Also available in: Français | Castellano) - 2005 - 2004 - 2003 - 2002 - 2001 - 2000 - 1999 - 1998 - 1997 - 1996 - 1995
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Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo
Interamerican Development Bank

Oficina central Central Office
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Governance indicators from key public databases consolidated for all countries in the world.DataGob consolidates them in one tool.
Estimations of social indicators to monitor the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) based on microdata from household surveys.
Key indicators on economic participation and living conditions in Latin America and the Caribbe.-
A deep dataset of social indicators providing insight into socioeconomic conditions in Latin America
Over 500 indicators consolidating data on macroeconomics, social issues, trade, capital flows, markets and governance.
Trade statistics of countries in the Americas developed by the Institute for the Integration of Latin America (INTAL)
Data for a better and timelier understanding of the conditions and trends in regional labor markets.
Report on Economic and Social Progress in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Insight on recent developments in integration and trade among the countries of the Western Hemisphere and the rest of the world.

Bernard Gagné:
Mes cours d'economie
Les notions fondamentals:
Le troc
Les deux perspectives sur le commerce
Les termes d'échange
La balance des paiements
La balance commerciale
La balance des invisibles
La balance courante
La balance des capitaux
Le solde de la balance des paiements
Le commerce triangulaire

From World Development Indicators:
Statistics on balance of payments
...current account, imports, exports, trade, private financial flows, investment, etc...

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RRojas Databank is a member of Development Gateway hosted by The World Bank

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