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Balance of Payments
Describing Economic Growth 
Economic growth
Economic policies
Ethical business
European Monetary Union
Factor Payments to Abroad/FDI
Foreign debt
Gross Domestic Product
Gross National Product
International Monetary Fund
International Trade
Multilateral Agreement on Investment
National Income
Transnational Corporations
United Nations
World Bank 
Central Banks on the WWW (BIS)
Economics Journals on the Web
Glossaries: Development Economics World Bank Statistics DAC
Paul Krugman Web Page.......M.I.T.
Marx/Engels Internet Archive
New Economics Foundation Soros Foundations Network Web Site Statistical Resources International Economic Data Bank
The Center for Economic and Social Rights The National Bureau of Economic Research

Balance of Payments.............................................................Back
Definition: Balance of Payments Accounts
  R. Rojas: Structural deficit on Balance on Payments
Economic growth...................       .............................................Back/ A to Z
                   Describing Economic Growth 
       World Bank: Global Economic Prospects 1998/99. A Summary
K. Marx/F. Engels: Bourgeois and proletarians
          K. Marx: Capital, volumen 1
         A. Smith: The Wealth Of Nations
        F. Engels: Introduction to K. Marx's "Wage-labour and capital
          K. Marx: Wage-labour and capital
 M. Borrus and J. Stowsky: Technology Policy and Economic Growth
           The Atlantic Monthly Online Archive 
Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy..U.of California
Paul Krugman Web Page.......Massachusetts Institute of Technology
   United Nations: The World Economy at the beginning of 1998
  Princeton Economics International
  AmosWorld Economic Glossary
  Center For Economic Forecasting
  Economics Working Paper Archives
Inter-University Consortium For Political And Social Research
International Economics Study Center
History Of Economic Thought
Mann Library Economics and Statistics Server
 OECD: Online Working Papers 
  IMF: World Economic Outlook
 New Economics Foundation
 Soros Foundations Network Web Site
 Economic and Social Council/ United Nations
 Institute for International Economics
 Institute for International Economics. Working Papers
 Annual rate of growth -1960 to 1982- All countries
 Annual rate of growth -1965 to 1991- All countries
Economic policies.....................................................Back /A to Z
R.Rojas: Economic policies. Fiscal and Monetary tools
  ELDIS: Economics
  ELDIS: Good government and politics
             Ethical business:
  ELDIS: Ethical business and investment
       Centre for social and environmental accounting research 
       UK Social Investment Forum
       Sustainable Business Network
       Environmental industry web-site
       World Business Council for Sustainable Development
       United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development
Employment/Unemployment.......................... ................................Back /A to Z
R.Rojas: The other side of China's miracle: unemployment/inequality 
R.Rojas: Unemployment - definitions and measurement. Trends
 Staying Alive      
 International Labour Organisation

Labour force 1970-1995
Agricultural labour force
Non-agricultural labour force
Industrial employment
Comparative statistics (Foreign Labor Statistics)

OECD.- Standardised unemployment rates. 1976-1995 
Developed economies: rate of unemployment 1988-1998
GDP, labour force, employment, unemployment.1870-1989. 1960-89.
Rates of inflation, unemployment and growth/1950-1996 (U.S.A.)
Rates of inflation, unemployment and growth -1960-1997 (U.K.)
UN/Social indicators: unemployment 

U.S. Bureau of the Census:

International Comparisons of Labor Force, Employment, and Unemployment

International Comparisons of Hourly Compensation Costs for Production Workers in Manufacturing

International Comparisons of Manufacturing Productivity and Unit Labor Costs

International Comparisons of Other Labor Statistics

European Monetary Union...........................                          ...Back /A to Z
The EURO official home page
Road To A Single Currency - EMU: The Legal Framework
Country Analysis EMU.  Princeton Economics International

Britain and European Monetary Union
Forum on European Monetary Union addresses U.S. anxieties

EMU () Research Department Princeton Economic Institute
 Maastricht Treaty ( EMU)  Research Department Princeton

European Monetary History EMU () PEI
Growth, Employment, EMU German Council for Economic Experts

European Monetary Union—Five Hundred Days to Go!
EMU Update - European Monetary Union: Selected Articles

European Monetary Union Conference 1998
European Monetary Union and Canada (Patrick Crowley) 
European Monetary Union: Operating Monetary Policy (The World Bank)
Factor Payments to Abroad/Foreign Direct  Investments............Back
Factor Payments to Abroad. Definition
Net Factor Payments to Abroad. All economies. 1960 to 1992 R. Rojas
JETRO's annual surveys
    United Nations.-World Investment Report 1997 (highlights)
    United Nations.-World Investment Report 1996 (highlights)
Foreign Debt.......................................................................................Back
External debt and Gross Domestic Product, 1980-1994 
External debt, Gross National Product and Exports, 1980-1994 
Debt service, exports and type of debt, 1980-1994 
External Debt 1980,1983-1994 (19 Latin American countries)
 ELDIS: Finance and credit
Gross National Product..........................................................................Back
Gross National Product. Definition
R.Rojas: Measuring National Income. The problems. Definitions
   OECD: The conceptual framework underlying the national accounts
Gross Domestic Product......................................................Back
Gross Domestic Product. Definition
R.Rojas: Measuring National Income. The problems. Definitions
   OECD: The conceptual framework underlying the national accounts
R.Rojas: Inflation - definition and measurement
         The Bank of England
International Monetary Fund................................................................Back
Click here to link!
International Trade.........................................................................................Back
                World Trade Organisation:
                        The Environment
                        International Trade
                        Documents on line
Trade and Development Centre
WTO: Trade Liberalization Reinforces the Need for
     Environmental Cooperation (October 1999)
     Leading exporters and importers in world merchandise trade, 1998
     Leading exporters and importers in world merchandise trade (excluding European Union
intra-trade), 1998
     Leading exporters and importers in world trade in commercial services, 1998
     Traders with a high share of agricultural products in their merchandise exports, 1990 and

U.S. Government:Country Reports on Economic Policy and Trade
                United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
R. Rojas: The poverty of international trade theory
  UNCTAD: The Trade and Development Report, 1997 (press release 1) 
  UNCTAD: The Trade and Development Report, 1997 (press release 2)
  UNCTAD: World Investment Report 1998: Trends and Determinants(press)
          World Trade Organisation
   ELDIS: Trade
   ELDIS: Technology transfer
U.S. Government:Country Reports on Economic Policy and Trade
          Chicago Board of Trade
          Academic Research on Finance
          Institute for International Economics. Working papers

OECD.-Imports of tropical woods, 1995
Selected countries: plywood production, 1970-1995
International trade: exports. Data for 1990 
International trade: imports. Data for 1990 
Exports early 1990s. All economies. In US$. 
Exports early 1990s. Free-market economies. As % of total. 
Non-fuel commodities: international prices 1980-1996
World Trade 1988-1998 (in volume)
 UK.-Department of Trade and Industry
 UK.-Monopolies and Mergers Commission
     US Federal Trade Commission
 UK.-The Office of Fair Trade
     European Commission: DG IV
 UK.-The Office of Telecommunications
     Communications Workers Union
     THE TIMES (archive)
National Income.....................................................................................................Back
R.Rojas: Measuring National Income. The problems. Definitions
   OECD: The conceptual framework underlying the national accounts
R.Rojas: National Income. Aggregate demand/Aggregate supply 
R.Rojas: National Income. Consumption, investment, government spending
R.Rojas: National Income. Circular flow of income
United Nations......................................................................................................Back
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World Bank...................................................................................................Back
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