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The political economy of development
This academic site promotes excellence in teaching and researching economics and development, and the advancing of describing, understanding, explaining and theorizing.
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Economic literacy                                                                                                                    Search:  Economics
Without economic literacy there is no possibility to understand processes of social change. Unfortunately, economic literacy is a rare commodity in capitalist, semicapitalist and protocapitalist societies where primary, secondary and university education is extremely poor for the majority -and extremely good for a wealthy minority-  which, of course is convenient for maintaining the extremely wealthy minority dominant position in society. To help students and researchers  I provide this 'rearrangement' of  valuable basic literature on economic literacy. Of course, this is just a first step. Without this first step, though, development issues cannot be understood, and, therefore, fighting against the barbaric social, political, cultural and economic effects of unleashed capitalist markets will be even more difficult. (Dr. Róbinson Rojas)

Adam Smith - 

The Theory of Moral Sentiments

The Theory of Moral Sentiments (London, A. Millar, Edinburgh, A. Kincaid & J. Bell, 1759) second edition, revised 1761, third edition, enlarged as The Theory of Moral Sentiments, To which is added A Dissertation on the Origin of Languages (London, A. Millar, Edinburgh, A. Kincaid, & A. Bell, 1767) fourth edition (London, W. Strahan, J. & F. Rivington, T. Longman and T. Cadell, Edinburgh, W. Creech, 1774) fifth edition 1781, sixth edition considerably enlarged and corrected, 2 volumes (London, A. Strahan & A. Cadell, Edinburgh, W. Creech & J. Bell, 1790).

Back to Economic Literacy
Back to K. Marx and A. Smith

From Biz/Ed
"A Web site for students and educators in business studies, economics, accounting, leisure, sport & recreation and travel & tourism."
GDP, GNP and economic growth

Interest Rate Transmission Mechanism »
Interactive Markets »
The Stock Exchange »
Maths in Business and Economics »
Online Economics Textbooks
Teaching Resources for Economics
The history of economic thought

McMaster University
Archive of the History of Economic Thought
by Roderick Hay
J. Sloman and M. Sutcliffe:
Tutor2u Economics.Com
Problems in Microeconomics
A Primer in European Macroeconomics
Economics Testing System
Economic Review
Resources for economists on the internet
Adam Smith:
The Wealth Of Nations
K. Marx/F. Engels:
Bourgeois and proletarians
Karl Marx:
and other early works

F. Engels:
Introduction to K. Marx's "Wage-labour and capital"
Karl Marx:
Wage-labour and capital

On Development Economics
The Future of Development Economics
The New Economy in Development
The Need to Rethink Development Economics
Development Economics
Economic Literacy
Basic knowledge on economics

RRojas Databank is a member of Development Gateway hosted by The World Bank

Education for Sustainability
Postgraduate courses on
Environment and
Development Education at
London South Bank University

- Part time distance learning
- Full time at the University

- Come visit us at

- Lecture notes
- Notes and papers

- Global Value Chains
- Integrated International

- International Division of

- Transnational Corporations
- The Triad ( U.S.A, Japan, E.U.)

- Dependency Theory
- Development Planning
- The Developmental State
- The Neo-liberal State
- Development Economics
- The future of development

- Foreign Direct Investment
- Factor Payments to Abroad
- The New Economy in

- International Trade

Back to Global Economic Prospects for Develeping Countries

--World Investment Reports
---(the complete series)

--World Investment Reports
---(selected statistics)

-- Planning for Development
UNCTAD areas of work:
Globalization and Development
Development of Africa
Least Developed Countries
Landlocked Developing Countries
Small Island Developing States
International Trade and

Services Infrastructure
Investment, Technology and
Enterprise Development

The following databases on-line are available:
Commodity Price Statistics
Foreign Direct Investment
Handbook of Statistics
ICT Statistics
Millennium Indicators

Digital Library:
-- News
-- Main publications
-- UNCTAD Series
-- Basic documents
-- Issues in Brief
-- Newsletters
-- Statistical databases
-- Globalization and
----- Development Strategies

-- Economic Development in
----- Africa

-- International trade
-- Dispute Settlement - Course
----- Modules

-- Investment, Technology and
-----Enterprise Development

-- Services Infrastructure for
--- Development and Trade
----- Efficiency

-- Monographs on Port
----- Management

-- Technical Cooperation
-- Discussion papers
-- G-24 Discussion papers
-- Prebisch Lectures
-- Transnational Corporations
----- Journal

-- Publications Survey 2006-

World indicators on the environment

World Energy Statistics - Time Series

Economic inequality

Other related themes:
- Aid
- Bureaucracy
- Debt
- Decentralization
- Dependency theory
- Development
- Development Economics
- Economic Policies
- Employment/Unemployment
- Foreign Direct Investment
- Gender
- Human Rights
- Human Development
- Hunger
- Inequality/social exclusion
- Informal sector
- Labour Market
- Microfinance
- Migration
- Poverty
- Privatization
- State/Civil Society/

- Sustainable Development
- Transnational Corporations
- Urbanization

- Complete list of development themes