From countercurrent.org - 14 August 2006
As The 6am Ceasefire Takes Effect... The Real War Begins
By Robert Fisk
The real war in Lebanon begins today. The Israeli army, reeling under the
Hizbollah's onslaught of the past 24 hours, is now facing the harshest
guerrilla war in its history. And it is a war they may well lose --
'Viewed War In Lebanon As A Curtain-Raiser For Attack On Iran'
By Andrew
The Bush administration was informed in advance and gave the "green
light" to Israel's military strikes against Hizbollah with plans
drawn up months before two Israeli soldiers were seized it has been
claimed. The US reportedly considered Israel's actions as a necessary
prerequisite for a possible strike against Iran --
Interests In Israel's War
By Seymour M Hersh http://www.countercurrents.org/leb-hersh140806.htm
The Bush Administration, however, was closely involved in the planning of
Israel's retaliatory attacks. President Bush and Vice-President Dick
Cheney were convinced, current and former intelligence and diplomatic
officials told me, that a successful Israeli Air Force bombing campaign
against Hezbollah's heavily fortified underground-missile and
command-and-control complexes in Lebanon could ease Israel's security
concerns and also serve as a prelude to a potential American pre-emptive
attack to destroy Iran's nuclear installations, some of which are
also buried deep underground --
Sham UN Resolution Guarantees No End To
Israel's War Of Illegal Aggression
By Stephen Lendman
UN Resolution 1701 is little more than an outrageous and illegal expression
of victor's justice. It allows Israel the right to resume hostilities any
time it wishes and for any reason so long as the Israelis claim an imminent
threat exists regardless of whether or not it's true -- Tea And Rockets: Café
Society, Beirut-Style
By Robert Fisk
Too many journos are wearing flak jackets and helmets, little spacemen who
want to show they are "in combat" on television. I notice how
their drivers and interpreters are usually not given flak jackets. These are
reserved for us, the Westerners, the Protected Ones, Those Who Must Live --
Venezuela's Revolution Of Hope
By Joshua Frank, Kim Peterson &
Sunil K. Sharma
We were fast waking up to something we hadn't felt before as we
battled Bush day in and day out in North America: revolutionary hope,
Bolivarian style. And we hadn't even had our first sips of Venezuelan
coffee yet --
Terror Nation: Lies, Injustice, And The American Empire's
By Jason Miller
We live in a fascist state that inflicts terror on billions of human beings.
'Terror Nation.Notes from the Perimeter', the latest book by Mike
Palecek, offers us a glimpse of the future potentially awaiting those of us
in the United States who pose a threat to corporate and plutocratic hegemony --
Penis Politics
By Lucinda Marshall
In Israel, in Iran, in Afghanistan, when women speak out about the global
ramifications (word used intentionally) of penis politics, they are screamed
at, shot at, arrested. But this is a truth that must be spoken and we dare
not be silent
-- After Heathrow: What Accounts For The Threat Of Terrorism?
Chris Marsden & Julie Hyland
There is still little substantive information on the alleged plot to explode
transatlantic flights from Britain to the US in mid-air. To date, the
British government has provided no facts to substantiate its claims of a
conspiracy to commit mass murder in the air
-- How London's Terror Scare Looks
From Beirut
By Robert Fisk
I think Paul Stephenson huffs and he puffs but I do not think he stands for
law and order. He works for the Ministry of Fear which, by its very nature,
is not interested in motives or injustice. And I have to say, watching his
performance before the next power cut last night, I thought he was doing a
pretty good job for his masters --
War Spreads To The North Of Sri Lanka
Sarath Kumara
Fighting between the Sri Lankan military and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil
Eelam (LTTE) intensified and expanded over the weekend to the northern
Jaffna peninsula, claiming as many as 200 lives. While neither side has
formally withdrawn from the 2002 ceasefire, the agreement is effectively a
dead letter. The island is rapidly sliding back into full-scale civil war
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12 August 2006
The Moment of Confrontation
By Dan Lieberman - Editor Alternative Insight
Somewhere in the history of Israel, there occurred a moment of confrontation that could not be resolved. Hezbollah is not a result of this moment, but the unresolved situation has fueled Hezbollah’s anger and paved the road to the war between Israel and Lebanon. The anger is derived from perceptions of:
· A Zionist expansionist philosophy that started with a colony in 1878 and within 100 years occupied almost all of earlier Palestine.
· Brutal methods to create a Jewish state although population concentrations in 1947 allowed Israel to be only a bi-national state with a majority of Jews.
· Continued attempts to create a Jewish state, an unclear definition, which fails to recognize that the large percentage of Palestinians indicates the state is bi-national today.
· Israel's attempt to incorporate all Jerusalem into its territory, although Christians and Moslems have well-identified and centuries-old institutions in the Holy City, while major Hebrew institutions from Biblical times are not evident.
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The Christian Science Monitor - 8 August 2006
US troop scandals: Is Iraq different?
A military tribunal this week is hearing charges that troops
killed an Iraqi family in March.
By Brad
Knickerbocker - Staff writer of The Christian
Science Monitor
In Baghdad this week, a
military tribunal is deciding whether five American soldiers must stand trial
for the rape and murder of an Iraqi girl and the killing of her parents and
sister in March.
The alleged events, which are among several
atrocities tied to US forces now in their fourth year of fighting insurgents in
Iraq, raise important questions for military officials: How do the numbers and
types of incidents compare with earlier wars? Is there something about this
conflict that makes such incidents more likely? Could they have been anticipated
and prevented
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9 August 2006
The "visible hand" of US state terrorism in action
What Do You Say To A Man
Whose Family Is Buried Under The Rubble? By Robert Fisk
What do you say to a man whose family is buried under the rubble? The last
corpse had been a man whose face appeared etched in dust before the muck was
removed and he turned out to be paper-thin - so perfectly had the falling
concrete crushed him
-- Israel's Promise Of Humanitarian Corridors Is Exposed
As A Sham By Robert Fisk http://www.countercurrents.org/leb-fisk090806A.htm
So much for Ehud Olmert's "humanitarian corridors". Two weeks
after the Israeli Prime Minister's comforting assertion - which no one in
Lebanon believed - the Israeli air force has blown up the last bridge across
the Litani river, in effect ending all humanitarian convoys between Beirut
and southern Lebanon
-- Israeli War Crimes Aimed At "Cleansing"
South Lebanon
By Bill Van Auken
What the US-Israeli offensive aims to accomplish as its immediate goal is
the thorough ethnic cleansing of southern Lebanon.This is a term that never
appears in the mainstream media in relation to the present war in Lebanon --
Extraordinary Precision: The Logic Of Israel's War On Civilians
By Ramzy
Baroud http://www.countercurrents.org/leb-baroud090806.htm
The Israeli tactics are reaping a conflicting outcome, as both Hezbollah and
Hamas are emerging more powerful than ever before, widely viewed as the only
defenders of Lebanon and Palestine -- "Positive Conditions" - The
Water Crisis In Gaza By Alice Gray http://www.countercurrents.org/pa-gray090806.htm
The political rhetoric and frequent violence of the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict often serve to mask underlying environmental issues which, if not
resolved, may pose an even greater threat to the well-being of the
Palestinian population than the guns and bombs of the military occupation
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From the BBC London - 7 August 2006
US state terrorism in action:
US troops 'took turns' to rape Iraqi
The case is the latest in a series of scandals for the US
army. A US
military hearing has examined testimony of how three soldiers took it in turns
to try to rape an Iraqi girl aged 14 in Mahmudiya in March.
The girl and three family members were allegedly killed by four US soldiers.
Graphic details of the attack at the family's home came in a sworn statement
by one of the accused, James P. Barker.
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State terrorism Israeli in action:
Hizbullah's attacks stem from Israeli incursions into Lebanon
By Anders Strindberg
01/08/06 Christian Science Monitor
NEW YORK - As pundits and policymakers scramble to explain events in Lebanon, their conclusions are virtually unanimous: Hizbullah created this crisis. Israel is defending itself. The underlying problem is Arab extremism.
Sadly, this is pure analytical nonsense. Hizbullah's capture of two Israeli soldiers on July 12 was a direct result of Israel's silent but unrelenting aggression against Lebanon, which in turn is part of a six-decades long Arab-Israeli conflict.
Since its withdrawal of occupation forces from southern Lebanon in May 2000, Israel has violated the United Nations-monitored "blue line" on an almost daily basis, according to UN reports.
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25 july 2006
U.S. state terrorism in action:
Lebanon massacre.
Genocide in the name of self-defense. The U.S. imperialist policy to "reshape" the Middle East utilizing the army of the neo-nazi state of Israel.
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From Countercurrents.org - 22 July 2006
Betrayal Of the
Empire Or Fealty To Humanity?
By Jason Miller
“See the irony is what they need to do is get Syria to get Hezbollah to stop
doing this shit and it’s over.”
What a
profound analysis of the current crisis in the Middle East. Bill Fitch, the
former coach of the Boston Celtics, used to tell his players to “keep it simple,
stupid.” Apparently the “leader of the free world” is a devout follower of
Fitch’s philosophy. It may have been effective in coaching an NBA team, but
unfortunately for the world, Bush’s habit of ignoring complexities has resulted
in multiple disasters.
Britain And US Defy Demand For Immediate Ceasefire By Anne Penketh, Ben
Russell, Colin Brown and Stephen Castle http://www.countercurrents.org/leb-brown210706.htm
Two countries, the US and Britain, defiantly refused to back the international
clamour for an immediate ceasfire between Israel and Hizbollah guerrillas. Their
ambivalence about civilian deaths in Lebanon has given Israel a powerful signal
that it can continue its attacks with impunity --------------------------- Bringing On "World War
III" By Bill Berkowitz http://www.countercurrents.org/leb-berkowitz210706.htm
During the past week or so, with the Israeli/Hezbollah crisis in full swing,
Newt Gingrich, the former speaker of the United States House of Representatives,
is using any platform available to him to convince the public that the U.S. is
engaged in World War III ---------------------------------------
The Long, Hot Summer Has Already Begun
By Robert
So, the Israeli air war over Lebanon continues and the Hizbollah's missile war
against Israel continues. The outlines of a solution are becoming clear -- a
ceasefire, a prisoner exchange, a Lebanese Army or multinational force led by
Americans or British deployment in south Lebanon and some form of disarmament of
Hizbollah - but how the sides will get there remains a mystery -----------------------------
And After The
Attacks In Lebanon And Israel?
By George E. Bisharat
Yet Israel will harvest the future of conflict and violence it has sown, facing
foes of ever-increasing sophistication and determination. Some Lebanese may
resent being dragged into a firestorm by Hezbollah. But they know who their real
tormentor is, and who has thwarted their country's march toward peace and
prosperity -----------------------------
Collectively Punishing Lebanon
By Dahr Jamail
"A friend of mine just called and told me of a massacre: civilian building
destroyed in Tyre by Israeli aggression. There, Zouhair Edde's mother has been
killed. Rayaan Qudsi has been killed along with her two daughters. This is a
conservative number of martyrs thus far. This building is where refugees
typically hide." ------------------------------
Context Of Israeli Wars In Lebanon,Palestine: Back To
By Nicola Nasser
The ongoing Israeli wars on Arabs in Palestine and Lebanon are just the latest
rounds of the cycle of violence that has raged in and around Palestine since
1917, and are vivid and bloody evidence that imposition of political realities
by military means won’t last and that “Whoever takes by the sword,
by the sword will be taken." ---------------------------------
Hezbollah Confronts Israel
By Dan Lieberman
It is not often that one antagonist helps the other antagonist to
accomplish its objective. Nevertheless, Hezbollah stumbled into giving Israel an
excuse for accomplishing a long sought objective: the destruction of
Lebanon ---------------------------------
Did Hizbullah Do The Right Thing?
By Joshua Frank
One thing goes without question; Hizbullah’s response was bold and
timely. Given that most Arab countries have failed to lift a finger against the
nuclear-armed nation of Israel, they have not backed down and have proven they
are far more prepared to challenge Israel than intelligence operatives in the US
and Israel had expected --------------------------------
The Iraq War Is A Huge Success
By Aseem Srivastava
Is there reason to believe that the war, far from being a disaster, has actually
proceeded quite well from Washington’s point of view? That the view that
the war has been a fiasco is merely a convenient smokescreen of innocence
helpful to keep in check public perceptions of the monstrous crimes of leaders
in Washington and London? -------------------------------------
The Great Divide: Gated Communities And Street
By Joseph Grosso
A look at the city of Sao Paulo in wake of the ongoing gang violence there the
past two months as well as the more violent police response through the
extremely wide gulf between the metropolis' rich and also at the phenomenon of
child soldiers enslaved in the civil wars of failed states -----------------------------------
Confessions and Reflections of a Recovering White Middle Class Hegemon Indian
Dalits: Law As Paper Tiger!
By Subhash Gatade
Thus India, a country of billion plus people, which is itching to get a
superpower status, which takes pride in its ancient tradition and culture and
whose elite goes gaga over the booming sensex, rather presents a strange
spectacle of a nation. But a close look at the goings on within the society
makes it clear that there is a disjunction between the world of economics and
the lifeworlds of its people. The core of the society bears its encounter with
barbarism in abundance
Kashmiri Sufism: Theological Resources For Peace-Building
By Yoginder Sikand
Kashmir provides some of the clearest instances of shared religious identities,
remnants of which are still to be found, in however attenuated forms, today. As
numerous writers have noted, the Kashmiri Muslims and Pandits shared several
customs and beliefs in common, and the numerous Sufi shrines that dot the Valley
attracted Hindus as well as Muslims in large numbers
From Human Rights
Watch - 17 Septembre 2005
New Accounts of Torture by U.S. Troops
U.S. Army troops subjected Iraqi detainees to beatings
and other torture at a base in central Iraq from 2003 through 2004, often under orders or
with the approval of superior officers. Soldiers said U.S. personnel abused detainees as
part of the interrogation process or merely to "relieve stress."
Full Report--- Summary--- More on Torture
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6 September 2005
Capitalist Social Terrorism
Note by Róbinson Rojas: Capitalist market work
concentrating capital in the hand of a minority creating capitalist economic
terrorism (as I defined it elsewhere), because capital concentration give also
overwhelming political power to the big capitalists and their political servants. From the
above capital social terrorism arises, which dramatically polarizes society. United States
is the best example of this capitalist social terrorism in action which Hurricane Katrina
uncovered for the whole world to see. In United States like in any modern capitalist
society creation of wealth goes parallel to creation of inequality and poverty. The
readers below, taken from The Washington Post and The New York Times, are a useful
description of the main features of capitalist social terrorism. (6 September 2005)
From The New York Times - 8 September 2005
Macabre Reminder: The Corpse on Union Street
By Dan Barry
NEW ORLEANS, - In the downtown business district here, on a dry stretch of Union Street,
past the Omni Bank automated teller machine, across from a parking garage offering
"early bird" rates: a corpse. Its feet jut from a damp blue tarp. Its knees rise
in rigor mortis. Six National Guardsmen walked up to it on Tuesday afternoon and two
blessed themselves with the sign of the cross. One soldier took a parting snapshot like
some visiting conventioneer, and they walked away. New Orleans, September 2005.
From The Washington Post - 6 September 2005
The Lagging Poor
"The Census Bureau's annual report on
income, poverty and health insurance in the United States is not alarming -- but neither
is it cheering, or even reassuring. Rather, the numbers underscore the lagging and uneven
nature of the economic recovery since the 2001 recession. According to the new data, 4
million more people were living in poverty in 2004 than in 2001, and 4.6 million more
people lacked health insurance."
From The New York Times - 6 September 2005
The Larger Shame
The wretchedness coming across our television screens from Louisiana has illuminated the
way children sometimes pay with their lives, even in America, for being born to poor
From The Washington Post - 5 September 2005
Disaster Cleanup
Halliburton Subsidiary Taps Contract For Repairs
By Lolita C. Baldor
An Arlington-based Halliburton Co. subsidiary that has been criticized for its
reconstruction work in Iraq has begun tapping a $500 million Navy contract to do emergency
repairs at Gulf Coast naval and Marine facilities damaged by Hurricane Katrina.
From The Washington Post - 3 September 2005
Kanye West's Torrent of Criticism, Live on NBC
"I hate the way they portray us in the media. You
see a black family, it says, "They're looting." You see a white family, it says,
"They're looking for food." And, you know, it's been five days [waiting for
federal help] because most of the people are black."
By Lisa de Moraes
From The Washington Post - 3 September 2005
Oil Firms Turn Katrina Into Profits, Clinton Says
N.Y. Senator Criticizes Lack of National Leadership,
Freedom From Imports
By Dan Balz
From The New York Times - 3 September 2005
Katrina's Assault on Washington
Do not be misled by Congress's approval of $10.5
billion in relief for the Hurricane Katrina victims. That's prompted by the graphic shock
of the news coverage from New Orleans and the region, where the devastation catapults
daily, in heartbreaking contrast with the slo-mo bumblings of government.
From The New York Times - 3 September 2005
United States of Shame
By Maureen Dowd
Stuff happens. And when you combine limited government with incompetent government, lethal
stuff happens. America is once more plunged into a snake pit of anarchy, death, looting,
raping, marauding thugs, suffering innocents, a shattered infrastructure, a gutted police
force, insufficient troop levels and criminally negligent government planning. But this
time it's happening in America.
From The New York Times - 2 September 2005
They Saw It Coming
By Mark Fischetti
THE deaths caused by Hurricane Katrina are heart-rending. The suffering of survivors is
wrenching. Property destruction is shocking. But perhaps the most agonizing part is that
much of what happened in New Orleans this week might have been avoided.
From The New York Times - 2 September 2005
From Margins of Society to Center of the Tragedy
By David González
The scenes of floating corpses, scavengers fighting for food and desperate throngs seeking
any way out of New Orleans have been tragic enough. But for many African-American leaders,
there is a growing outrage that many of those still stuck at the center of this tragedy
were people who for generations had been pushed to the margins of society
From The New York Times - 2 September 2005
Cameras Captured a Disaster but Now Focus on Suffering
By Alessandra Stanley
A woman in a wheelchair, her face and body covered by a plaid blanket, dead, and left next
to a wall of the New Orleans convention center like a discarded supermarket cart. There
were many other appalling images from Hurricane Katrina on Thursday, but that one was a
turning point: after three days of flood scenes, television shifted from recording a
devastating natural disaster to exposing human failures.
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9 June 2005
Capitalist Economic Terrorism
Note by Róbinson Rojas: Free-market fundamentalism, which can be described as capitalist economic
terrorism, is creating a world with a small bunch of super rich and a big majority just
surviving on their income. United States is a telling case study of this. What began
with the Reagan Administration is reaching obscene features with the Bush
Administration. Statistics show that "for every additional dollar earned by the
bottom 90 percent of the population between 1950 and 1970, those in the top 0.01 percent
earned an additional $162. That gap has since skyrocketed. For every additional dollar
earned by the bottom 90 percent between 1990 and 2002, each taxpayer in that top bracket
brought in an extra $18,000." The New York Times is publishing a special section
("Class Matters"), from which I select here some important texts. They show how
capitalist economic terrorism (free-market fundamentalism) can disjoint a society. The
winners are the ones who have at their service a political class serving their interests
by unleashing political and economic terrorism (otherwise known as globalization) all over
planet Earth. They are building a larger U.S. empire. Modern Caligulas like Bush et al are
the top layer of that political class.
The Bush Economy (7 June
Richest Are Leaving Even the Rich Far Behind (5 June 2005)
Crushing Upward Mobility (7
June 2005)
Class Matters. A special section
The Mobility Myth (6 June
-------------------------- |
The New York Times
- 10 June 2005
Losing Our
By Paul Krugman
"The middle-class society I grew up in no longer exists. Working families have seen
little if any progress over the past 30 years. Adjusted for inflation, the income of the
median family doubled between 1947 and 1973. But it rose only 22 percent from 1973 to
2003, and much of that gain was the result of wives' entering the paid labor force or
working longer hours, not rising wages.
But the wealthy have done very well indeed. Since 1973 the average income of the top 1
percent of Americans has doubled, and the income of the top 0.1 percent has tripled."
--------------------------------- |
London - June 2005
United States exports of biological materials to Iraq:
compromising the credibility of international law
This paper argues that the United States breached the
Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC) by supplying warfare-related biological
materials to Iraq during the 1980s, at a time when that nation was at war with its
neighbour, Iran. It is further argued that the United Kingdom has an obligation, not least
due to its published policy on the issue, to formally report this breach to the United
Nations Security Council.
by Geoffrey Holland
University of Sussex
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Emergency Preparedness against the "Universal Adversary"
by Michel Chossudovsky
7 June 2005 (revised)
A recent Report of the Homeland Security Council entitled Planning
Scenarios describes in minute detail, the Bush administration's preparations in the
case of a terrorist attack by an outside enemy called the Universal Adversary (UA).
The Universal Adversary, is identified in the scenarios as an
abstract entity used for the purposes of simulation. Yet upon more careful examination,
this Universal Adversary is by no means illusory. It includes the following categories of
potential "conspirators":
"foreign [Islamic] terrorists" ,
"domestic radical groups", [antiwar and civil
rights groups]
"state sponsored adversaries" ["rogue
states", "unstable nations"]
"disgruntled employees" [labor and union
----------------------------- |
7 June 2005
EuroMemorandum Group
European Economists for an Alternative Economic Policy in Europe
June 2005
After the
French and Dutch No to the Constitution:
The EU needs a new economic and social development strategy.
"The French and Dutch No to
the Constitution opens the window for a thorough reflection and public discussion
about the way in which the people want to live in Europe. The majority of voters have
rejected the elitist project of a European construction, which subordinates the democratic
lives and material well-being of the people to the rules of markets and competition. They
perceived European policies in their real lives as a threat to their economic and social
welfare, as source of increasing insecurity for their work and incomes, as mounting
inequality and injustice and as an obstacle to relevant democratic participation
possibilities in the process of shaping a society which allows them to lead a free and
independent life...".
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From the Washington
Pentagon Details
Abuse Of Koran
Detainees' Holy Books Were Kicked, Got Wet
By Josh White and Dan Eggen
Washington Post Staff Writers
June 4, 2005
The U.S. military released new details yesterday about five confirmed cases of U.S.
personnel mishandling the Koran at the prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, acknowledging that
soldiers and interrogators kicked the Muslim holy book, got copies wet, stood on a Koran
during an interrogation and inadvertently sprayed urine on another copy.
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From The New York
Military Details
Koran Incidents at Base in Cuba
June 4, 2005
A military inquiry has found that guards or interrogators at the Guantánamo Bay detention
center in Cuba kicked, stepped on and splashed urine on the Koran, in some cases
intentionally but in others by accident, the Pentagon said on Friday.
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From Human Rights
April 2005
Impunity for
Rumsfeld and other state terrorists,
Getting Away with Torture?
Command Responsibility for the U.S. Abuse of Detainees
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The U.S. state
terrorists have a pile of Weapons of Mass Destruction which can wipe out from the face of
the Earth anything between 1 to 3.5 billion human beings. Currently, they are discussing
how to make their Weapons of Mass Destruction even more destructive. Read here more about
the deadly plans of the imperialists whose policies are menacing the survival of planet
(Róbinson Rojas)
From The New York Times
A Fierce Debate on
Atom Bombs From Cold War
Published: April 3, 2005
For over two decades, a compact, powerful warhead called the W-76 has been the centerpiece
of the nation's nuclear arsenal, carried aboard the fleet of nuclear submarines that prowl
the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
But in recent months it has become the subject of a fierce debate among experts inside and
outside the government over its reliability and its place in the nuclear arsenal.
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BBC World News: -
17 March 2005
Wolfowitz to spread neo-con gospel
By Paul Reynolds World Affairs correspondent, BBC News
By nominating Paul Wolfowitz to be head of the World Bank, President George Bush appears
to be sending a message to the world that he intends to spread into development policy the
same neo-conservative philosophy that has led his foreign policy.
Wolfowitz seeks to calm critics
Dismay at Wolfowitz's nomination
Bush backs hawk for World Bank
Wolfensohn quits World Bank
Profile: Paul Wolfowitz
Wolf at World Bank's door?
Head-to-Head: The right
In quotes: Wolfowitz reaction
Q&A: What the World Bank
does IMF and World Bank:
reform underway?
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The New York Times
- 8 March 2005
Torture by
One of the biggest nonsecrets in Washington these days
is the Central Intelligence Agency's top-secret program for sending terrorism suspects to
countries where concern for human rights and the rule of law don't pose obstacles to
torturing prisoners. For months, the Bush administration has refused to comment on these
operations, which make the United States the partner of some of the world's most
repressive regimes.
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The New York Times
- 6 March 2005
Rule Change
Lets C.I.A. Freely Send Suspects Abroad to Jails
- The Bush administration's secret program to transfer suspected terrorists to foreign
countries for interrogation has been carried out by the Central Intelligence Agency under
broad authority that has allowed it to act without case-by-case approval from the White
House or the State or Justice Departments, according to current and former government
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2 March 2005
Redistributing Global Inequality.
A thought experiment
by Jozsef Borocz
The United Nations proclaimed the period 1997-2006 as the ‘First United Nations
Decade for the Eradication of Poverty’. The 1995 UN resolution recognised the
existence of global inequalities that have deepened over time and assigned different tasks
to donor (wealthy) nations and developing countries to ensure a greater equity among
nations. This article focuses on the fiscal feasibility of a plan for global inequality
reduction, a project that can be defined as a large-scale historic social process of
social change aiming to diminish ‘oligarchic wealth’ in favour of a less
extremely unbalanced structure of distribution, that is, ‘democratic wealth’.
The project proposes global collective action to reduce interstate inequality in per
capita economic performance. A successful implementation of such a project would, however,
require the construction of social and political institutions leading to political action
by a majority of humankind.
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2001 Memo to Rice Warned of Qaeda and Offered Plan
February 12, 2005
A strategy document outlining proposals for
eliminating the threat from Al Qaeda, given to Condoleezza Rice as she assumed the post of
national security adviser in January 2001, warned that the terror network had cells in the
United States and 40 other countries and sought unconventional weapons, according to a
declassified version of the document.
Read here full text of the memo
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Torture, American Style
February 11, 2005 in The New York Times
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a Paper Trail to the Roots of Torture
(February 8, 2005) |
9/11 Report Cites Many Warnings About Hijackings
Published: February 10, 2005
In the months before the Sept. 11 attacks, federal aviation officials reviewed dozens of
intelligence reports that warned about Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda, some of which
specifically discussed airline hijackings and suicide operations, according to a
previously undisclosed report from the 9/11 commission. But aviation officials were
"lulled into a false sense of security," and "intelligence that indicated a
real and growing threat leading up to 9/11 did not stimulate significant increases in
security procedures," the commission report concluded.
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BBC News - 20
January 2005
The Power of Nightmares
The Power of Nightmares - first screened in Autumn
2004 and repeated this week on BBC2 - questions whether the threat of terrorism to the
West is a politically driven fantasy and if al-Qaeda really is an organised network.
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A Three Kings’
January 6th 2005 Year of the Rooster Offering
Observed From the Top of the Great Wall through the Eyes of the Innocent Little Boy
by Andre Gunder Frank
Uncle Sam has just reneged and defaulted on up to
forty percent of its trillions of dollars [$] foreign debt, and nobody has said a word
except for a line in this week’s Economist. In plain English that means that Uncle
Sam runs a world-wide confidence racket...
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30 December 2004
Statement on
the humanitarian crisis in Asia
The world has witnessed the greatest natural disaster
in the lifetime of most of the people now living. The expressions of human solidarity,
stretching across countries and continents, is the one bright light. But even that light
is dimmed by the reports and images of growing human suffering and loss that nearly defies
the imagination. President Bush, after days of silence, emerged from his Texas vacation to
issue a brief statement... |
8 December 2004
By Ralph Nader
Come Clean, George
What's your problem here? The American people need to
know the full casualty toll of U.S. personnel in Iraq and know it regularly and in a
timely fashion. Not to do so is disrespectful, especially of the military families, but
none more so than of the soldiers themselves
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US Imperial Army secret document (October 2004)
Distribution Restriction: Distribution
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determination was made on 1 April 2004. Other requests for this document must be referred
to Commander, US Army Combined Arms Center and Fort Leavenworth, ATTN: ATZL-CD (FMI
3-07.22), 1 Reynolds Avenue (Building 111), Fort Leavenworth, KS 66027-1352.
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We publish this manual utilised by the US terrorist
imperial armed forces as a contribution to the worldwide struggle against the US empire
led by state terrorists disguised as "democratic" leaders
(Róbinson Rojas, 3 december 2004)