World Bank report says record year for private capital flows
is hurt by East Asian downturn, development aid to poor countries keeps falling
WASHINGTON, March 24, 1998 — Private capital flows to developing countries
experienced a rollercoaster year in 1997, rising strongly during the first half of the
year before colliding with the East Asian financial crisis and the subsequent turmoil in
global stock markets, and falling sharply in a general retreat from new investments in
emerging markets, according to a new report by the World Bank released today.
Over the year as a whole, net long-term private flows rose for the seventh straight
year to reach a total of $256 billion, up from $247 billion in 1996. In addition, the
report shows that official assistance to the poorest developing countries continues to
fall as result of tighter aid budgets in donor countries and a decision by many
governments to reduce direct lending as private capital flows to developing countries have
The report—Global Development Finance 1998—predicts that a
combination of wary investors and uncertain prospects for recovery in East Asia, as well
as possible further contagion effects, are likely to reduce net long-term private flows to
developing countries in 1998. If, however, the crisis in East Asia is bottoming out, this
decline will be tempered by the continued robust health of the global economy, investors
returning to markets in countries with strong economic fundamentals, and changes in the
composition of capital inflows that may have made them more resilient.
Assessing the likely impact of the East Asia crisis on growth rates for the region in
1998, the World Bank suggests that Malaysia and the Philippines could produce positive
rates of 3.5 and 3 percent respectively this year. In the case of Indonesia, Thailand, and
South Korea, the Bank forecasts economic contraction, or zero growth, although positive
growth should return to all five countries by 1999, unless the situation in Indonesia
changes such predictions.
"This is a year when we saw not just the opportunities, but also the risks of
international capital flows," says Joseph Stiglitz, World Bank Chief Economist and
Senior Vice President for Development Economics.. "Last year, long-term
private capital flows rose yet again, and are now six times higher than official flows.
This increase represents additional funding for investment, growth, and continued success
in lifting people out of poverty in the developing world. However, the decrease in foreign
aid threatens many of the poorest countries in the world, which are in most need of
capital but have least ability to attract private money. Also, the East Asian
crisis—and its worldwide ramifications—reminds us of the risks that private
capital poses for all countries," he added.
The report also investigates the causes and evolution of the East Asian financial
crisis. It chronicles the sharp currency depreciations that began in Thailand in early
July, and how, together with falling stock market prices and restricted access to
international capital markets, these quickly spread throughout the region. By October,
developing countries in Latin America and Eastern Europe also began to feel the effects of
the crisis with plunging stock markets and rising interest rates.
The Bank also predicts that the Asia crisis will cut Latin America's growth this year
by 1.0 percentage point. Growth is now expected to slow to 2.7 percent, down
from 5 percent in 1997. While regional economies are not immune from the same problems
that affected Asia, the Bank says that, on balance, Latin American economies look stronger
than their Asian counterparts.
A Rollercoaster Year
Prior to the crisis, high volumes of international capital together with a strong
performance by major borrower countries produced a sharp rise in commitments (including
syndicated loans and bond issues) to developing countries. According to the report,
commitments from January to September exceeded the 1996 total by 10 percent, and portfolio
equity flows increased strongly, accompanied by booming stock markets in Latin America and
Eastern Europe. In 1997, developing countries relied on sophisticated market instruments
more often than in the past, including greater use of derivative instruments and emerging
markets mutual funds, and instruments to attract institutional investors and encourage
greater participation by private firms.
However, following the turmoil in global stock markets in October, flows from
international capital markets fell sharply. Bond issues were particularly hard hit. Only
one developing country, Argentina, issued a sovereign eurobond during the last two months
of 1997, compared to 35 countries in the previous ten months of the year. In a number of
other countries, outflows of portfolio equity investment were coupled with sharply falling
stock prices. For the year as a whole, net long-term flows from capital markets were $127
billion, about the same as 1996. However, total external finance was significantly smaller
in 1997 because of short-term outflows and capital flight in the fourth quarter of 1997.
The same factors that drove flows led to marked changes in the secondary market prices
of developing countries' debt. Spreads or interest rate risk premiums on sovereign bonds
narrowed markedly in the first part of the year, as low international interest rates
encouraged lenders to increase yields by seeking out the more risky developing country
assets. But spreads increased to all major borrowers in October, and rose by 200 basis
points or more to some borrowers, before declining slightly in December.
Foreign direct investment (FDI), which often is more stable than other capital flows,
totaled $120 billion, about the same as in 1996 and five times the level in 1990. Of
this amount, privatization revenues accounted for $15 billion. Although FDI fell in East
Asia, the decline was offset by a rise in Latin America as a result of privatization
transactions (notably in Brazil), improved economic performance, and continued progress on
Crisis in East Asia
Asia's crisis occurred despite a benign international economic environment, with low
international interest rates and solid global growth in output and trade, and unlike the
Mexican peso devaluation in 1994 or the debt crisis of the 1980s, the main factor in the
crisis involved private sector financial decisions not public sector borrowing. The cause
of the crisis reflects the huge shift in recent years from private-to-public sector
capital flows towards private-to-private sector flows
"The general failure to predict the severity of the crisis owes much to the
fact that analysts focused excessively on traditional indicators of sovereign risk, such
as high savings and low inflation, and paid too little attention to indicators of business
risk, such as high leverage, and maturity and currency mismatches," said Uri
Dadush, head of the World Bank's Development Prospects Group.
The report attributes the crisis to the build-up of vulnerabilities in the East Asian
economies that led to a loss of market confidence. The key problems were in the financial
sector, where distorted incentives, lax regulatory standards, poorly managed financial
liberalization, and inadequate disclosure and supervision encouraged excessive risk
taking. These financial sector weaknesses led to poor investments and a proliferation of
non-performing loans. Large capital inflows amplified these problems and fueled domestic
demand which, coupled with the depreciation of the yen against the dollar, caused real
exchange rates to appreciate.
This increase in vulnerabilities does not fully account for the unexpected spread and
subsequent depth of the crisis. The low risk spreads and solid credit ratings prior to the
crisis demonstrate that the market seemed relatively optimistic about prospects for the
region. The rapid rise in spreads, together with the severity of currency and stock market
declines, indicate that a self-fulfilling loss of confidence played an important role. The
currency depreciation increased the local currency value of the external debts owed by
banks and businesses, leaving many insolvent.
As their debts mounted, many firms attempted to reduce their foreign exchange
liabilities by obtaining dollars to close out open positions. This further increased the
demand for foreign exchange, thus leading to even greater currency depreciation. Both
healthy and insolvent firms suffered because of the lack of transparency, the increase in
the local currency value of dollar-denominated debt, increases in interest rates, the
contraction in credit resulting from the rapid drop in equity of highly leveraged
financial institutions and the economic downturn and increased uncertainty.
In the meantime, in its response to the crisis, the international community has
arranged for some $110 billion in emergency financing for Korea, Indonesia, and Thailand,
of which approximately $16 billion is from the World Bank.
Official Aid Continues to Fall
Net concessional assistance to developing countries continued its downward trend,
falling from $40 billion in 1996 to $37 billion in 1997. This drop in aid is driven by a
climate of greater budgetary restraint in most industrial countries, the declining
strategic and military importance of development aid since the end of the cold war, and
weak public support for aid in some major donor countries. Aid fell to an estimated 0.21
percent of donor countries' GNP in 1997, down from 0.35 percent in the mid-1980s.
"The decline in official development assistance is not new," said Masood
Ahmed, World Bank Vice President for Poverty Reduction and Economic Management. "Nonetheless,
there is a real danger that—in real terms— we are reaching such new lows that we
will not be able to provide the development needs of the world's poorest countries in
today's global economy. Donors should not lose sight of the fact that official aid is both
a lifeline for these struggling nations as well as investment in our shared future."
The report notes that the decline in aid has been accompanied by some efforts to
improve its effectiveness. The increasing recognition of the importance of the policy
environment for aid effectiveness has recently led donors to focus more attention on
efforts to increase aid to good performers, for example through the Special Program of
Assistance for Africa. Data on aid flows highlights that these efforts may be having some
impact. The share of aid captured by the best performing countries—the top 40 percent
in a ranking of countries by the World Bank's ratings of policy performance—rose from
38 percent in 1990 to 45 percent in 1995.
Progress in the HIPC Debt Initiative
The report details significant progress in implementing the Highly Indebted Poor
Countries (HIPC) Debt Initiative in 1997. Its goal is to help heavily indebted poor
countries achieve sustainable levels of external debt through improved economic and social
policies and a coordinated approach to debt relief by all creditors. In its first year,
seven countries which had established the required track record of good economic
performance were considered for additional debt relief under the initiative, and
agreements were reached to reduce the debt of four of these countries (Bolivia, Burkina
Faso, Guyana, and Uganda) by $1.2 billion in present value terms. For all four countries,
the normal three-year interim period between the decision point and the completion point
was shortened in view of their strong policy performance.
Type of flow (US billions) |
1990 |
1991 |
1992 |
1993 |
1994 |
1995 |
1996 |
1997/a |
All developing countries |
98.3 |
116.3 |
143.9 |
208.1 |
205.8 |
242.3 |
281.0 |
300.3 |
Official development finance |
56.4 |
62.7 |
53.8 |
53.6 |
45.2 |
53.2 |
34.0 |
44.2 |
Grants |
29.2 |
35.1 |
30.5 |
28.4 |
32.3 |
31.8 |
28.6 |
25.1 |
Loans |
27.2 |
27.6 |
23.3 |
25.1 |
12.9 |
21.4 |
5.4 |
19.2 |
Bilateral |
11.6 |
13.3 |
11.1 |
10.0 |
2.5 |
10.0 |
-7.2 |
1.8 |
Multilateral |
15.6 |
14.4 |
12.2 |
15.2 |
10.4 |
11.3 |
12.6 |
17.4 |
Total private flows |
41.9 |
53.6 |
90.1 |
154.6 |
160.6 |
189.1 |
246.9 |
256.0 |
Debt flows |
15.0 |
13.5 |
33.8 |
44.0 |
41.1 |
55.1 |
82.2 |
103.2 |
Commercial banks |
3.8 |
3.4 |
13.1 |
2.8 |
8.9 |
29.3 |
34.2 |
41.1 |
Bonds |
0.1 |
7.4 |
8.3 |
31.8 |
27.5 |
23.8 |
45.7 |
53.8 |
Other |
11.1 |
2.7 |
12.4 |
9.4 |
4.7 |
2.0 |
2.3 |
8.3 |
Foreign direct investment |
23.7 |
32.9 |
45.3 |
65.6 |
86.9 |
101.5 |
119.0 |
120.4 |
Portfolio equity flows |
3.2 |
7.2 |
11.0 |
45.0 |
32.6 |
32.5 |
45.8 |
32.4 |
Note: Developing countries are defined as countries having
1996 per capita incomes of less than $9, 636.
a. Preliminary.
Source: World Bank Debtor Reporting System. |
Looking Ahead
As developed and developing countries reflect on the lessons of the East Asia crisis,
and the volatility of global capital markets, World Bank Chief Economist, Joseph
Stiglitz says that reforms are needed to make the world economy more resilient in the
way it responds to the challenges of globalization, but that such reforms should not be
"We must reject ideology and over-simplified notions. I believe that there are
reforms to the international economic architecture that can bring the advantages of
globalization, while reducing their risks. Arriving at a consensus about those reforms
will not be easy. But it is time for us to intensify the international dialogue on these
issues," he added.
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