Table of Contents Personal and Professional Honors and Memberships Research Interests Publications Summary Recent Publications ReOrient: Global Economy in the Asian Age Essays on NATO and Kosovo, 1999 On-line Essays |
[IISH/IISG] in Amsterdam 35 shelf meters of A.G. Frank’ periodical publications and other documents, including 11 shelf meters of catalogued original manuscripts, interviews, correspondence, and other professional and personal documents for the period 1953-95. Their table of contents appears below and may also be accessed directly at
List of the archive of ANDRE GUNDER FRANK (b. 1929-) 1953-1995I N T R O D U C T I O N
A bibliography of A.G.Frank’s publications can be found in 134. In 1995 the International Institute of Social History received his papers. These papers consist of a general series of chronological correspondence, including correspondence with publishers and personal correspondence; a series of files made by Andre Gunder Frank, with correspondents from various countries, correspondence with editors and publishers in several countries; correspondence and programmes concerning conferences, seminars, forums, symposia and invitations for talks and lectures; typescripts of his books and articles; reviews, including critiques by other scientists; interviews with Andre Gunder Frank and articles about him. Some letters and manuscripts were only available on floppy disks. Most of these texts have been printed on paper, together with the directories of the floppy disks (see 12). Books and periodicals that came along with his papers, have been transferred to the library and photographs, posters, badges and cassettes with interviews, discussions and speeches have been transferred to the audiovisual department of the Institute. The size of the documents is 11 m. AccessibilityThere are no restrictions to the accessibility of the papers. L I S TGENERALCorrespondence1-11.Correspondence, chronologically arranged. 1955-1994. 11 boxes. 1. 1955-1969. 2. 1969-1975. 3. 1976-1983. 4. 1983-1984. 5. 1984-1986. 6. 1986-1987. 7. 1987-1988. 8. 1989-1990. 9. 1990-1991. 10. 1992 11. 1993-1994.
12.Prints of letters and a few articles by Andre Gunder Frank. With lists of the computer files. 1987-1992. 1 box. 13.Faxes, received and delivered. 1990-1994. 1 folder. 14-16 ‘Australian, Asian, and African’ correspondence. 1969-1970, 1972-1973, 1975-1983. 3 folders. 14. 1969-1970, 1972-1973, 1975-1976. 15. 1977-1979. 16. 1979-1983. 17.’Belgian’ correspondence. 1974-1979. 1 cover. 18-19. ‘British’ correspondence. 1975-1983. 1 folder and 1 cover. 18. 1975-1979. 19. 1979-1983. (folder) 20.’Canadian’ correspondence. 1966-1972. 1 cover. 21. ‘Cuban’ correspondence. 1964-1965, 1967-1968, 1971. 1 cover. 22.’Dutch’ correspondence. 1974-1979. 1 cover. 23.’East European’ correspondence . 1980-1982. 1 cover. 24.’French’ correspondence. 1973-1983. 1 folder. 25-26. ‘German’ correspondence. 1973-1982. 2 folders. 25. 1973-1977. 26. 1978-1983. 27.’Italian’ correspondence. 1973-1980. 1 cover. 28-29.’Latin American’ correspondence. 1976-1983. 2 covers. 28. 1976-1980. 29. 1980-1983. 30.’Luxembourgian’ correspondence. 1974-1979. 1 cover. 31.’Portuguese’ correspondence. 1980. 1 cover. 32.’Scandinavian’ correspondence. 1973-1979. 1 folder. 33.’Spanish’ correspondence. 1975-1980. 1 cover. 34.’Swiss’ correspondence. 1974-1980. 1 cover. 35-37.’United States’ correspondence. 1973-1983. 3 folders. 35. 1973-1978. 36. 1979-1981. 37. 1981-1983. 38. ’Western European’ correspondence. 1981-1983. 1 cover. Addresses and diaries 39. Lists of addresses. 1976-1984 and n.d. 1 cover. 40. Address books, including loose-leaf addresses and visiting cards. 1960, 1973-1974, 1977 and n.d. 1 folder. 41. ’Swarthmore’-calendars, used as diaries. 1982-1983, 1985-1988. 1 folder. PERSONAL DOCUMENTSApplications and employment 42.Various versions of his curriculum vitae, biographical data and lists of publications 1960-1993 and n.d. 1 box. 43.Documents concerning applications at Universities in the United States and refused requests for a visitors visa by the United States Government. 1960-1995. 1 box. 44-46.Documents concerning applications at Universities and invitations to speak at seminars in Canada and refused requests for a visitors visa by the Canadian Government. 1967-1968, 1973-1980. 3 folders. 44. 1967-1968, 1973-1976. 45. 1977. 46. 1978-1980. 47-50. Documents concerning applications in other countries. 1957, 1973-1975, 1979-1994. 4 folders. 47.1957, 1973-1975, 1979-1982. 48.1983-1986. 49.1987-1989. 50.1990-1994. 51.Documents, mainly concerning his resignation for political reasons from the Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, USA. 1958-1959, 1961. 1 cover. 52.Documents concerning his appointment at the Sir George Williams University in Montreal,Canada. 1966-1968. 1 cover. 53.Documents concerning his appointment at the University of Chile, Santiago, Chile. 1968-1971. 1 cover. 54.Documents concerning his dismissal for political reasons from the assignment to Santiago de Chile by the International Labour Organisation(ILO) in Geneva. 1968-1971. 1 cover. 55.Documents concerning rejections from Universities in Frankfurt and Kassel, Germany, regarding a ‘Berufsverbot’. 1973-1977. 1 cover. Other personal documents 56.Tourist visa for Yugoslavia. 1960. 1 piece. 57.Membership cards. 1960, 1962, 1966-1968, 1986. 1 cover. 58-61. Financial correspondence. With notes. 1970-1990. 4 folders. 58. 1970-1976. 59. 1977-1983. 60. 1983-1984. 61. 1985-1990. PUBLIC LIFEAuthorship Typescripts and notes Books- 62.’Growth and Productivity in Ukrainian Agriculture and Industry, 1928 to 1955’. Stencilled typescript of his dissertation. 1957. 1 folder. 63-70.’Underdevelopment: A Historical Reader on Asia, Africa and Latin America’ by Andre Gunder Frank and Said Ahmad Shah. Typescripts, including photocopies of typescripts, printed and stencilled articles. With correspondence and notes. 1965, 1967-1977 and n.d. 5 folders and 3 boxes. 63.1965, 1967 and n.d. 64.1968-1969. 65.1967-1977. (box) 66.1967-1977. (box) 67.1967-1977. (box) 68.1969-1970. 69.1971-1976. 70.N.d. 71-73. ‘An Economic History of Mexican Agriculture: From Conquest to Revolution’. Typescript. With notes. 1966, 1972 and n.d. 3 folders. 71.1966. 72.1972 and n.d. 73.1972 and n.d. 74-75. ‘Toward a Theory of Capitalist Underdevelopment’. Photocopy of stencilled typescript. With notes. 1970 and n.d. 2 folders. 74.1970. 75.N.d. 76.‘On Capitalist Underdevelopment’. Addition to the preface. Typescript. 1971. 1 cover. 77-80. ‘Accumulating Exploitation’. Typescripts. 1973-1974, 1976 and n.d. 3 folders and 1 cover. 77.1973. (cover) 78.1974. 79.1976 and n.d. 80.N.d. 81-82. ‘The Mode of Production Controversy: Papers from India with Reviews of the Latin American and African Debates’, edited by Hamza Alavi, Andre Gunder Frank and John Harriss. Typescripts. With correspondence and printed articles. 1973, 1975, 1977-1981 and n.d. 2 folders. 81.1973, 1975, 1978-1981 and n.d. 82.1975, 1977, 1979-1980 and n.d. 83.’Accumulation Dependence and Underdevelopment’. Typescript and printed articles. 1976. 1 folder. 84.’Mexican Agriculture 1521-1630. Transformation of the Mode of Production’. Typescript. 1978. 1 folder. 85-87.’Crisis,Volume I:West,East,South’.Typescripts.1978.2 folders & 1 box 85.1978. (box) 86.1978. 87.1978. 88-90.’Crisis, Volume II: In the Third World’. Typescript. 1978. 3 folders. 91-92.’Crisis, Which Crisis?’ by Samir Amin, Giovanni Arighi, Andre Gunder Frank and Immanuel Wallerstein. Photocopies of the typescript. 1979, 1981 and n.d. 2 folders. 91.1979 and n.d. 92.1981 and n.d. 93-95. ‘What Next? A World Political Economy’. Typescript. With correspondence. 1986. 2 folders and 1 box. 93.1986. 94.1986. (box) 95.1986. 96.’The World Economic Crisis: Retrospect and Prospect’. Typescripts. c. 1986-1987. 1 folder. 97-100.’Transforming the Revolution: Social Movements and the World-System’ by Samir Amin, Giovanni Arrighi, Andre Gunder Frank and Immanuel Wallerstein. Typescripts. With correspondence. 1986-1990. 4 folders. 97.1986-1988. 98.1988. 99.1988-1989. 100.1989-1990. 101-104. ‘Cumulation of Accumulation: A Plea for 5000 Years of World System History’ by Andre Gunder Frank and Barry K. Gills. Typescripts. 1987-1991. 4 folders. 105. ‘East-West/North-South New International Relations, World Economy, Social Movements and Third World Women’ by Andre Gunder Frank and Marta Frank-Fuentes. Typescripts. With photocopies of printed articles. 1988-1989 and n.d. 1 folder. 106.’The Centrality of Central Asia: Studies in History’. Typescripts. 1991-1992 and n.d. 1 folder. 107.’Brasilian Agriculture: Capitalism and the Myth of Feudalism’. Typescript, partially stencilled. N.d. 1 cover. 108.’Reflections on the Present World Crisis’. Typescript of the preface. N.d. 1 cover. 109.Typescript of a book on the economic history of Chile. With notes. Incomplete. N.d. 1 cover. 110. Typescript of a book on economic development through history. N.d. 1 cover. 111. ‘World Accumulation 1492-1789’ and ‘The Underdevelopment of Development’. Tables of contents. N.d. 1 cover. Articles- 112-115. Typescripts of ‘unpublished’ articles. 1953-1961, 1963-1968, 1970-1973, 1977. 3 folders and 1 cover. NB. Not published according remark by Andre Gunder Frank. 112. 1953-1958. 113. 1959-1961. 114. 1963-1968. 115. 1970-1973, 1977. (cover) 116-128. Typescripts of articles, papers and essays, partly photocopies. With correspondence and proofs. 1955-1992 and n.d. 8 boxes, 4 folders and 1 cover. 116. 1955. (cover) 117. 1956-1961. (folder) 118. 1963-1965. (folder) 119. 1966-1976. 120. 1976-1980. 121. 1980-1989. 122. 1989-1990. 123. 1990. 124. 1991. 125. 1991-1992. 126. 1992 and n.d. 127. N.d. (folder) 128. N.d. (folder) 129. Typescripts of research proposals. 1963-1965,1974,1976-1977.1 folder 130.Typescripts of speeches and lectures. 1969, 1975-1977, 1981, 1984 and n.d. 1 folder. 131-133. Typescripts of articles on social movements by Andre Gunder Frank and Marta Frank-Fuentes. With correspondence and royalty statements. 1984-1993. 3 folders. 131.1984-1987. 132.1988. 133.1988-1993. 134 ‘Bibliography of publications by Andre Gunder Frank, 1955-1990’. Typescripts and a photocopy of the printed article. 1991. 1 folder. Notes- 135.Notes on the economic development of Latin America. With bibliographical notes and abstracts. 1960, 1963-1964, 1967-1969 and n.d. 1 folder. NB. Possibly meant for his book ‘Capitalism and Underdevelopment in Latin America: Historical Studies of Chile and Brazil’. 136.Cards with notes on published articles and interviews in periodicals. 1960-1983. 1 cover. 137-139. Cards with notes on publications and booktitles. With clippings. 1976 and n.d. 2 covers and 1 folder. 137.1976 and n.d. 138.N.d. (folder) 139.N.d. 140. Notebooks with names of publishers. 1981, 1983. 1 cover. 141. Notes on cross cousin marriage. N.d. 1 cover. Correspondence with editors142-143 Correspondence with British editors on written articles by Andre Gunder Frank and others. 1973-1980. 1 folder and 1 cover. 142. 1973-1975. 143. 1975-1980. (folder) 144. Correspondence with Canadian editors on written articles. 1976-1980. 1 cover. 145.Correspondence with French editors on written articles. 1974-1980. 1 cover. 146.Correspondence with German editors on written articles. 1973-1979. 1 cover. 147.Correspondence with Italian editors on written articles. 1973-1979. 1 cover. 148.Correspondence with Latin American editors on written articles. 1975-1980. 1 cover. 149.Correspondence with Scandinavian editors on written articles. 1976-1979. 1 cover. 150.Correspondence with Spanish editors on written articles. 1977-1979. 1 cover. 151.Correspondence with United States editors on written articles. 1964-1980. 1 box. 152-153.’Wallerstein project’. Correspondence, mainly with Immanuel Wallerstein on written articles and books. 1976-1983. 1 folder and 1 cover. 152. 1976-1981. (folder) 153. 1982-1983. 154.Correspondence with various editors on written articles and books. 1980-1983. 1 cover. Correspondence with publishers155.Correspondence with Asian publishers. 1973-1980. 1 folder. 156-158.Correspondence with British publishers.1974-1983.2 folders & 1 cover 156. 1974-1977. 157. 1978-1980. 158. 1981-1983. (cover) 159. Correspondence with Dutch publishers. 1967, 1973-1980. 1 cover. 160. Correspondence with French publishers. 1974-1980. 1 cover. 161. Correspondence with German publishers. 1973-1980. 1 folder. 162.Correspondence with Italian publishers. 1973-1980. 1 cover. 163.Correspondence with Latin American publishers. 1974-1980. 1 folder. 164.Correspondence with Portuguese publishers. 1974-1980. 1 cover. 165.Correspondence with Scandinavian publishers. 1973-1980. 1 cover. 166.Correspondence with Spanish publishers. 1973-1980. 1 folder. 167-170.Correspondence with United States publishers. 1967-1968, 1973-1984. 4 folders. 167.1967-1968, 1973-1978. 168.1979. 169.1980-1981. 170.1982-1984.
171-173. Correspondence with various publishers.1968-1993.2 folders and 1 box. 171.1968-1971. 172.1972-1990. (box) 173.1990-1993. 174. Correspondence with various publishers concerning the book ‘From Atlantic Alliance to Pan-European Entente:Political Economic Alternatives’ With
notes. 1982-1983. 1 cover. 175-176. Correspondence with various publishers concerning the book ‘The World System’ by Andre Gunder Frank and B. Gills. 1990-1993. 1 folder and 1 cover. 175.1990. 176.1991-1993. (folder) Royalties and contracts177-178. Documents concerning royalties on publications in the English language. 1967-1981. 2 folders. 177. 1967-1977. 178. 1978-1981. 179. Documents concerning royalties on publications in the French language. 1967-1980. 1 cover. 180.Documents concerning royalties on publications in the German language. 1969-1980. 1 cover. 181. Documents concerning royalties on publications in the Italian language. 1970-1979. 1 cover. 182. Documents concerning royalties on publications in the Japanese language. 1974-1981. 1 cover. 183.Documents concerning royalties on publications in the Portuguese language. 1968-1979. 1 cover. 184.Documents concerning royalties on publications in the Spanish language. 1964, 1969-1980. 1 cover. 185-186. Documents concerning contracts and royalties on publications in various languages. 1969-1992. 1 box and 1 folder. 185. 1969-1981. 186. 1982-1992. (box) 187. Documents concerning requests regarding permissions for reprints. 1980. With visiting cards rom the ‘Buchmesse’ in Germany. 1976-1978. 1 cover. Publications188-191.Photocopies of articles by Andre Gunder Frank, published in various periodicals. 1958-1991. 3 folders and 1 cover. 188. 1958-1983. (cover) 189. 1984-1986. 190. 1987-1988. 191. 1988-1991. 192. Clippings of published articles. 1964, 1973, 1975-1976, 1982, 1984 and n.d. 1 cover. 193-195 Development Studies discussion papers and reprints of published articles by Andre Gunder Frank. 1977-1980. 2 folders and 1 cover. 193. 1977-1979. (cover) 194. 1979. 195. 1980. Reviews and critiques196-197. Reviews and critiques relating to ‘Dependency’. 1964, 1972-1985. 1 box and 1 folder. 196. 1964, 1972-1974. 197. 1974-1985. (box) 198-200. Other reviews and critiques. 1967-1990. 3 boxes. 198. 1967-1975. 199. 1975-1981. 200. 1982-1990. Other activities Teaching and supervising 201-202. Course material, reading lists and outlines. 1963-1978, 1987-1988. 2 folders. 201. 1963-1969. 202. 1970-1978, 1987-1988. 203. Documents concerning the arranged study programmes and projects for the Social Sciences Department of the University of Chile, Santiago.1967-1970. 1 cover. 204. Documents concerning the arranged study programmes and projects for the Centro de Estudios Socio-Economicas (CESO) of the University of Chile, Santiago. 1970-1973. 1 cover. 205.Documents concerning the arranged provisional study programme for the UER Economie Politique of the University of Paris. 1977-1978. 1 cover. 206.Documents concerning the supervising of students at the School of Development, University of East Anglia, Norwich, including some outside supervisions and other university correspondence. 1979-1983. 1 folder. 207.Documents concerning his activities as External Assessor for the Sociology Department of the University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji. 1981-1983, 1987. 1 cover. 208-213. Documents concerning the supervising of students and the promoting of candidates for a doctorate at the Institute for the Socio-Economic Studies of Developing Regions (ISMOG),University of Amsterdam, including other university correspondence. 1983-1985, 1988, 1991-1994 and n.d. 5 folders and 1 cover. 208.1983. (cover) 209.1983-1985. 210.1984 and n.d. 211.1984-1985, 1988. 212.1991-1992. 213.1992-1994. Research214.Correspondence about a study tour to the Soviet Union. 1959-1961. 1 cover. 215.Documents concerning research and financial support for the project ‘Capital Accumulation, Economic Crisis, Social Conflict and International Relations’ from the ‘Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Friedens- und Konfliktforschung e.V. (DGFK)’, Bonn-Bad Godesberg. 1974-1978. 1 cover. 216. Documents concerning proposals for a joint research project on social movementsby Andre Gunder Frank and Marta Frank-Fuentes to the MacArthur Foundation and the Kellogg Institute. 1988-1993. 1 folder. Conferences217-226. Correspondence and programmes regarding conferences, congresses, seminars, workshops, forums, symposia, including invitations for talks and lectures. 1959-1994. 9 boxes and 1 folder. 217.1959-1978. 218.1979-1981. 219.1982-1986. 220.1986-1988. 221.1988. 222.1989-1990. 223.1990. 224.1991-1992. 225.1992-1993. 226.1994. (folder) DOCUMENTATION227-228. Published articles about Andre Gunder Frank. 1963-1994. 2 folders. 227.1963-1970. 228.1970-1994. 229.Letters to editors by Andre Gunder Frank, published in newspapers and periodicals. 1964, 1969, 1976, 1980 and n.d. 1 cover. 230-231. Interviews with Andre Gunder Frank, published in newspapers and periodicals. 1965, 1970, 1974, 1976-1978, 1981-1988. 1 folder and 1 cover. 230.1965, 1970, 1974, 1976-1977. 231.1977-1978, 1981-1988. (folder) 232-239.Printed articles and typescripts of articles by others on Central- and Latin America. 1965-1969, 1971-1974, 1977, 1979, 1982-1989, 1992-1993 and n.d. 6 folders and 2 boxes. 232.1965-1969. 233.1971-1974, 1977, 1979. 234.1982. 235.1983-1987. (box) 236.1987. (box) 237.1987-1989, 1992-1993. 238.N.d. 239.N.d. 240-242. Printed articles and typescripts of articles by others on ‘Dependence’. 1970 1971, 1973-1983 and n.d. 2 boxes and 1 folder. 240.1970-1971, 1973. (folder) 241.1974-1980. 242.1980-1983 and n.d. 243-244. Other printed articles and typescripts by others. 1963-1992 and n.d. 1 box and 1 folder. 243.1963-1989. (box) 244.1990-1992 and n.d. 245. Leaflets. 1977, 1983. 1 cover. ANNEXMarta B. Frank-Fuentes (1937-1993) 246.Letters from Andre Gunder Frank. 1965, 1972-1973 and n.d. 1 cover. 247-249. Printed articles (by others) on women’s emancipation in Chile. With some correspondence. 1981-1991. 2 covers and 1 folder. 247.1981-1982. 248.1983-1989. (folder) 249.1990-1991. 250-252. Documents concerning women’s studies. 1973, 1976, 1984, 1988 and n.d. 2 folders and 1 cover. 250.1973, 1976, 1984 and n.d. (cover) 251.1984. 252.1984, 1988. Paulo R. Frank (1963-) 253.Correspondence. 1983-1984, 1989 and n.d. 1 cover. 254-255. Documentsconcerning his Chinese studies for the degree of B.A. at the University of Leeds. 1977-1979, 1981-1982 and n.d. 1 folder and 1 cover. 254.1977-1979. 255.1979, 1981-1982. (folder) ACCRUALAndre G. Frank 256.Personal documents. 1983, 1988, 1993. 1 cover. 257-260. Financial correspondence. 1991-1995. 3 covers and 1 folder. 257.1991. 258.1992. 259.1993. 260.1994-1995. (folder) 261.Other correspondence. 1995. 1 cover. 262.‘Swarthmore’-calendars, used as diaries. 1991-1994. 1 cover. 263.Miscellaneous notes and lists of authors and book titles. N.d. 1 cover. |
Table of Contents |
Personal and Professional |
Research Interests |
Publications |
ReOrient: Global Economy in the Asian Age |
On the New World Order |
On-line Essays |
IISH Archives |
AGF on the Internet |